whats with all the MLG haters?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Y35 <3, Apr 27, 2008.

  1. Supa Midget

    Supa Midget Ancient
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    I dont like MLG too much tbh,ill play it and im alright if you set me up with a team of mic people but come on onlaught for example has what 4 different weapons?
    One word:BORING
    And of all the power weapon,why rockets?
    I'd prefer the sent beamer even over that,sure its a death machine but low ammo and the fact that you need to aim+if your on the recieving end its possible to take cover/take him down and actually have a gun rather than the 90% probability that all the ammo's gone with the rocks

    Stickies are just as bloody tactical as frags,i mean you have to hit the guy with a sticky,it has less splash dmg so you cant just spam them around a corner,sure effecive fragging is nice but i always prefer to have two plasma's over two frags.

    Not to mention the custom makes you god for a while,an overshield would've been better

    Theres stuff bad with MLG but sure normal halo aint perfect,i just think they shouldn'y be so set in BR'S.BR'S,BRS!!!!!!!!!!
    Theres other weapons in the game,just because a Br is a good balanced gun doesnt mean it needs precedent in a game of what,21 weapons?
  2. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    I just started playing MLG so i could get onto a GB team
    i switched to bumper jumper also, works pretty good, but i have only played 2 games with it, so i cant say anything yet
  3. XxTexasHornxX

    XxTexasHornxX Ancient
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    I have lost count in the number of posts about MLG that I have made recently.

    The MLG weapon set and settings are the most competitive form of Halo with the tools given. The plasma pistol is widely used by pros and is a very skillful weapon. In H2, it didn't lose ammo until it was shot and followed the opponent, which made it a noob weapon thus giving it and the BR the name of noob combo. Not only is the PP very hard to hit someone without its tracking abilities but it is very difficult to time the charge right, especially with the no radar on MLG. If you always have it charged like the poster who this thread was based on said, you aren't using it properly. You have to wait until you see someone to charge it, so it doesn't waste the battery. If you think it is noobish to see, charge, shoot the PP, switch to BR, and finish them off, then you must be a pro because that is very difficult to do against a skilled player, who is BR'ing you.

    If the guy thinks that MLG should be BR'ing, Sniper, 'nading, and teamwork, he has nailed the current gameplay of MLG. The only things unaccounted for are Rockets, Mauler, Powerups, and PP, which are all power weapons. Even though they might not all take skill, they add variety to gameplay and create map control. Map control takes teamwork to do, so MLG is exactly what he wants.

    The Mauler and Rockets don't take that much skill, but they are difficult to control. These weapons won't be able to win you a game with control since each only supply a few kills, but you can change the whole complexion of the game with a few kills to get your confidence going. It also takes skill to conserve ammo or fire off shots right before you die, so you give the other team a rocket with 2 shots instead of 4. Without these power weapons, strats would be very bland because there wouldn't be bottom mid confrontations on Narrows without the rockets.

    MLG knows how to make a competitive experience, so leave it to them to do so.

    Edit: Supa Midget, the reasoning behind the 3X overshield is to make it actually a power weapon. The normal 2X overshield isn't something to go out of your way to get or fear like a power weapon/object should be. Sentinel Beam would be way too powerful, and the rockets work well because of their limited range.
    #23 XxTexasHornxX, May 9, 2008
    Last edited: May 9, 2008
  4. Dthen

    Dthen Ancient
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    I don't mind MLG I just find the weapon set on guardian offers VERY little variety... I don't like guardian much either though... but seriously, there's like 4 diff weps on guardian?...
  5. Vicious Vice

    Vicious Vice Ghosts of Onyx
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    I'll start out by saying i prefer MLG setting when playing competitively with friends or enemies. I do agree that MLG settings maps lack the variety of weapons therefore of possible situations that arise. But i also enjoy the added damage, mobility given to the play and the slower shield recharge, promoting kill finishing and making it an overall faster and more synergic kind of gameplay. The argument has been drawn on since halo 2 where the only changes were a br start and no radar but now with the ability to customize traits and power ups the different between default and mlg is growing more and more. So does MLG take more skill to play compared to MM? who cares if u can do well in one youll probably do well in the other so just pick your favorite get good at it you can find me playing both competitively but id always rather play mlg settings on default maps. how about that for a compromise. -end rant
  6. Chong

    Chong Ancient
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    people hate mlg becuase they are people, instead of ignoring it and playing the unchanged version of mm halo3 they have to complain -_-
  7. Supa Midget

    Supa Midget Ancient
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    Ah-huh,if we all thought like that hitler would still be in power.
    "Ah sure we'll just leave him alone weve got our own "unchanged" countries to deal with"
    Okay mayeb not the same thing but whats wrong with critisizing in the hopes of bettering everything?If people just attacked it just for the sake of it they arent people,they are that other species known as n00b.
  8. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    this got pretty in-depth lol
    i see alot of text when i look over the comments
  9. haruki jitsunin

    haruki jitsunin Ancient
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    I used to have a problem with MLG, my reason were:
    They took halo and butchered it. They take away 60% of the weapons and messed with the damage and speed in such a way that it didn't play like halo did anymore. They claim that it refines it to pure skill, however, they nerf the game to limit the type of "skill" they accept, which is accuracy with the BR and sniper.

    However, since then, I've developed my logic.
    As long as you think of the "mlg" settings as a different gametype, it differs enough from traditional slayer/ctf/koth in such a way that it refines it. Not so much in a more "skillfull" direction (even though I believe it does now) but in such a way that it varies the gameplay from what everyone is used to. I'm all cool with the MLG and have no problem. Now, don't get me wrong, I don't play it that often, nor are my BR skills anything to call home about, but I do enjoy playing hte MLG gametype.
  10. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    I only dislike MLG because I still feel that it bastardizes Halo's gameplay. Nothing wrong with Assault Rifles, or SMGs, or Plasma Pistols. Nothing wrong with the radar. And yet they claim that it takes away the tactics from it. It's like how this one guy I play with always claims that I screen cheat, even though he's not even on my screen, because I always know when he's coming up on me with camo. I mean, HELLO. It's called Motion Sensor, use it.

    Of course, I don't care as much as others, because it's just a gametype. If you can adapt, good. If you can't, tough. I can't adapt to MLG nearly as well as I play normally, so I tend to avoid it at all costs. If I'm with friends, I'll play it, but I know I'm bad at it.
  11. Mastar

    Mastar Ancient
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    MLG Team Slayer is really fun!
  12. J A Y

    J A Y Ancient
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    the reason why everyone hates it so much is because they havent really given it a try. if the MLG setting were the default settings of halo you would probably like it. MLG does take skill, normal default settings does take skill. yes the rockets, mauler and plasma pistol can be n00by, but that depends on the way you use it. YES it is n00by when you camp and use the mauler every time someone comes near. NO its not n00by when MLG settings are on, why? because of the 110% movement speed, its easy to get away when you are suddenly under fire. the reason why you may get grenade spammed, is because you dont have map control. MLG does take more brains than any other gametype. you could be really good at aiming, but terrible in communication. if you are that person you will be terrible at MLG.

    im going to say i really like MLG. and i personally think that its better than anyother gametype
  13. Ty

    Ty Guest

    That is the biggest grammar terror of a post I think I've seen in a long while, would you mind editing it beforemy brain explodes?
    #33 Ty, May 14, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: May 15, 2008
  14. Supa Midget

    Supa Midget Ancient
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    Honestly speaking about good english and spelling XD....
  15. Ty

    Ty Guest

    There try that, does that work for you mrs. English teacher?
  16. Supa Midget

    Supa Midget Ancient
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    actually yes :p
    lol and thats MR Mrs english teacher to you!...wait...
    #36 Supa Midget, May 15, 2008
    Last edited: May 15, 2008
  17. Xaybiance

    Xaybiance Ancient
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    A few weeks ago, I tried out the MLG Playlist with a few friends of mine and well... actually had a bit of fun. First there was MLG Oddball on MLG Guardian. That was actually pretty wild! Pretty balanced as well. Everyone spammed with an endless wave of grenades, sadly. But we still won! Then the next to matches were Multi-Flag on MLG Onslaught. During the countdown to gamestart, I was told "Okay Xay, just stick with us, Al with go for the flag, we follow and protect. Blah, blah, blah. Okay? It gets wild."

    Boy, was he right... Constant messages of "Flag Stolen!", "Flag Away!", and "Flag Taken!" Man that was fun! I barely even noticed the bridge in the middle.

    All I got to say about MLG right now is "Dang! That's flippin' fun!"
  18. HITtheLIGHTZ

    HITtheLIGHTZ Ancient
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    I like how you actually tried it. +rep Most people don't realize how fast paced and exciting it is.
  19. Arch3m

    Arch3m Ancient
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    Late during this past Friday night, I tried out the MLG playlist, and I've got to admit that it's pretty fun. No, it's not awe-inspiring, and it's definitely not my favorite gameplay style (I'm more of a slow-paced, low health sort of guy), but I think I prefer it to default game modes. Not so much with the maps, however.
  20. BattyMan

    BattyMan Ancient
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    After reading some of this thread I decided to try some MLG games, by the second game I had this incessant urge to start driving around in a Ghost.

    What I didn't like about MLG was that if the game started to go bad you couldn't switch up your strategy. If the BR and Carbine thing isn't really working out well tough luck, you're stuck with it till the end of the game.

    What I did like was the emphasis on team arrangement. Positioning yourself in such a way that you have teammates or walls covering your vulnerable areas (sides and back) was a fun way to play.

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