oh no... we don't want to go that way. if we do that, very bad maps and screenshots taken by staff members will get put on there again... and a bunch of other stupid stuff that bungie staff members think is cool. The only Bungie staff member i know that has a good sense of maps is ash55. but that's why he runs the community faves.
The thing I don't get about Bungie Faves is at the end of the day, whoever has the final choice of what goes on B faves and what doesn't they can always put their own stuff and their mates stuff on, correct? I mean not too long ago Compound Intelligence had two weeks of Bungie Faves in a row and their founder Foman put one of his maps on each week, both being the same but with different weapons!
but even that system is bad, i mean, even forgehub, theyd just use features, and the features are pretty to look at, but much less tpo play on
I remember when FH had the maps section of Bungie Faves. I was one of the maps XD lol bad times, turbo and nemi... anyway, you really shouldnt be looking to bungie faves for any type of good quality. Point being that as Nemi has said, its only about showing off the Halo community as a whole and the things people have made and what not. People just expect too much because it used to be all about the quality. You are on Forgehub for a reason.
Bam! that is a very true point made there. why are you looking for quality content from bungie favorites when forge hub features maps almost daily? very good point there sir, plus rep =D
I was playing the new tower map on bungie favs. It sucked! Badly! all it was is a square with stairs to the 2nd level and a bridge to the 3rd.... and it wasn't even interlocked!
Good News: This is the best of the three. Bad News: This is the best of the three. There is an explosion in the background. The guy is walking away. My grandma could set this up. This is tied for worst. Wow a spartan holding a spike grenade! Who would have thought he could do that!!!! =P And of course, a glitch that was found out several months ago. OOOOO a Spartan who has his/her arms bent above his/her head. Original! Exciting! Fail!
bungie favorites does suck the maps are terrible!!! i only look at the pics and sometimes they suck too
I think that right now the bungie people are targeting groups and their achievements... it's just a phase... it'll end and more will come
Aren't they embarassed to have their name put on that stuff? Why bother getting their stuff on if it sucks soooooooo hard? And why isn't forgehub getting on? Screw that, why isn't Bungie asking forgehub to be involved. Forgehub should do it's own kind of community favourites, which it doesn't need. But just to show bungie how it's done. Actually, Forgehub should run bungie favourites!
I seriously reckon that we should at least get MENTIONED on bungies site, or have SOME of our maps in their fav's, this just sucks *excuse this language mods* ballsack, if they had some sense in them selves they would add our site to their fav's or something.
I find your lack of faith in Bungie quite unappreciative. They have mentioned FH time and time again. But we're not the only fan community that they have to attend to.
I'm with you, EVERYTHING on favorites for the past 2 weeks were horrible. I think this is some sort of sick joke to prove to us any map can get on favorites. On the bright side, new favorites will hopefully be coming soon! I wonder who is next?