Introduction Whats up FH

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Near Fate, Dec 3, 2008.

  1. Near Fate

    Near Fate Ancient
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    Hey, I'm Near Fate. I've been coming to this site a lot lately because theres some pretty tight maps here. After a couple of weeks I decided to join. Looks like a great community.

    I'm a frequent Halo player who lives in MI. I guess I'm sort of good at forge, but you guys have to remember that I'm new to the whole Xbox Live "thing". I also play some Call of Duty 4, but I believe that I'm a lot better at Halo. Well thats basically all I have to say, see ya around the forums!
  2. Pigglez

    Pigglez Ancient
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    Ohai thar. Welcome to Forgehub! :)

    Michigan ehh??? Theres a few cool people here in michigan lol... Im in NY, but I guess Michigan is aight... XD jk...

    anyway, good luck here and enjoy the site! The only tips I have are to read the rules... people can get pretty annoyed if you don't follow them, and to have fun! Once you are here for a while, you realize theres more here than just a halo forum. Off topic is a great place to chill and have fun because of the random/off topic epicness...

    anyway, see you around and good luck! XD
  3. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    Yeah man, welcome. There are some tight maps, and some bad ones. But I'm sure you'll be a frequent map maker in no time, just check out some popular and featured maps. As Zstrike said, I also live in NY, but MI is cool.

    Heres some easy things to navigate around the site conveniently. First, seeing your a new member and all you're most likely using Forge Hub X skin. To change the skins go to the bottom of the page and look for the little tool bar in the bottom left corner that will say what skin you're using, in your case it will say Forge Hub X. Theres only 3 choices, but see which one fits you best.

    Another thing is Off-topic. Off-topic is the most fun and social probably out of all the forums. Just come on down and check it out, and act somewhat mature, and I'm sure you'll have a blast. Thats really all I have to say, enjoy Forge hub and I'll see you around.
  4. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
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    Lol, a little late don't you think? Two years and we're still getting new members. That's cool.

    Anyway, welcome to forgehub. If you make any maps there is a template here you can follow. Don't spam, be nice, blah blah blah. Map Posting Template - ForgeHub Halo Forums
  5. Dr. Chombie

    Dr. Chombie Ancient
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    Okay well then I'll be the 4th to welcome you. Please feel free to visit many of our forums, including off-topic because it's super fun, and most of all, have a good time here. Don't worry, we won't bite..... much.
  6. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    Michiganders FTW! Welcome!

    Senior Member

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    Welcome to Forge Hub!

    Just like Zstrike13, read the rules before posting on the Forums and above all make sure when/if you post a map make sure your map is up to Forge Hub standards. Some people will get pissed if you don't know what your doing on the site.

    I hope you remain active around the forums and have fun with the many events Forge Hub has to offer. Weather that has to do with TGIF or just Regular contests that they hold for the benefit of the community.

    One last thing before I leave this thread; Have fun and if you have any question pertaining the site or about Forge then feel free to ask me through PM's, Skype, or Visitor Messages. Or you can ask one of the Staff Members (People with colored names and a special rank).

    Welcome to Forge Hub and have fun.

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