What's the worst thing that's happened to you in Reach Matchmaking?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by XXWeaponXX7, Jan 2, 2012.

  1. iamluke21393

    iamluke21393 Promethean

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    I know the map that you're talking about. The same thing happened to me. Honestly, I could **** a better BTB map than some of the ones they're posting to MM.

    I kinda liked the one with the solar panels though... not gonna lie.
  2. REMkings

    REMkings BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    But... like I said, there's good news! Cool maps have now entered Matchmaking!
    (Floodgate, Refinery, Broadcast, Overgrowth --> Invasion ftw)
  3. SilentJacket

    SilentJacket Forerunner
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    My very first matchmaking experience involved my entire team dropping out within the first 15 seconds of the match.
    the map itself was crap to say the least (some forgeworld custom), and had a number of random pits and uneven surfaces.
  4. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    I know people love to hate on matchmaking maps but I have to say the recent additions are pretty good compared to previous ones. Also I've noticed they play much better with teamwork which was present during testing (I played every one before matchmaking) but unfortunately is quite lacking in matchmaking.
  5. That Scorch Guy

    That Scorch Guy Forerunner

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    Honestly, nowadays, getting a non-sucky match seems to be much harder to find than a bad experience. Or is that just me?

    I just played...5 games I think. In every one except for one (even in the good game, one player quit out on the enemy team and our team had an anchor who went 2-18. Still, game ended 50-48 us in a heated match), the teams were horribly unbalanced or people quit out. I haven't seen any hint at a skill system in regular Matchmaking at all. It's depressing, really. I just want good, close, intense games with like-skilled players who don't want to ruin the fun. It's sad to see that those games are far harder to find than the bad ones.
  6. iamluke21393

    iamluke21393 Promethean

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    Is it just me or has this been happening a lot lately? People joining a game and not playing after the first minute or so. Seems like every time I try to play slayer there's someone (on my team of course, I'd never be lucky enough to have them on the other team) that plays just long enough to have it register for credits, then just sits there the rest of the game.

    Maybe I'm being paranoid...
  7. REMkings

    REMkings BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Do what I do. Quit Matchmaking, except for Invasion. (And I still play that one purely for the new maps.)
    And return to Halo 3 Matchmaking. You'll see it's a lot more fun.
  8. iamluke21393

    iamluke21393 Promethean

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    Worth a shot I suppose, though I've never played Halo 3 online.
  9. RoboArtist

    RoboArtist Forerunner
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  10. REMkings

    REMkings BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Definitely. In Halo 3, the player with the skill actually wins.
    But you will have to get used to having no sprint ability, that's always a little annoying to realize after you've played some Reach first.
  11. artifact123

    artifact123 Forerunner
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    I once went into Action Sack and it was Splasers on Uncaged. I had to get all 50 kills for my team myself cause they didn't do a **** and one had one kill more than suicides, another equal and another had one more suicide than kills so they together had 0 points and I had ALL 50. We still won.
  12. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
    Senior Member

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  13. Lonewolf1925

    Lonewolf1925 Forerunner

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    The worst thing that happend to me ifs I was bashing the driver of a waith in coop matchmaking, I killed him but then someone decided to jump into the wraith as the thing was being shot at by someone else yet I was the person who was booted and not the true teamkiller. I wish fileshare was still working so I can save it to my computer and edit the video to show you what had happended. I'd do it in Reach but I hate trying to edit stuff with that thing since there is no easy way to skip though a video. that and I wouldn't be able to give a link to it anyways on this page.
  14. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    That's just horrible. I can only guess that this is the end of a game where a team full of reclaimers and inheritors beat up on randoms, half of whom probably quit early on. When I see a game like this about to happen in the pre-game lobby, I just dashboard. Why put yourself through that?

    What I really don't understand is what those guys get out of it. An occasional beatdown can be amusing, but judging by the mechanical efficacy of their spawn trap there, they do this **** all the time. Is it really more fun to rape helpless, stationary targets and boost your k/d than to play games with even a smidgen of competitiveness? I can't drum up any respect for BTB "pros" like that.

    EDIT - Apparently this guy Gamesager was involved in that massacre. 96,000 banshee bomb kills. 43 killionaires. Yessir, Gamesager, it's possible that you and your fellow inheritors are huge, huge douchebags.
    #134 Nutduster, Jun 12, 2012
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2012
  15. Roxas121

    Roxas121 Promethean

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    The same reason for why people in fighting games who obviously should be playing in a ranked playlist, go beat up on beginners who are just trying to get the game mechanics down in player matches.
  16. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    I could understand doing that for a game, or a few games, or a day. Hell, I could understand doing it once a week just to relieve stress. What I don't understand is wanting to do it 'round the clock. There's no sport in killing players who aren't capable of killing you back.
  17. Roxas121

    Roxas121 Promethean

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    Bragging rights for their friends, so they can say, "Hey duuude, look at my massive peni- I mean K/D, isnt it rad that I have a bajillion banshee bomb kills :p?"
    In which their friends reply, " Dude that's almost as coolio as my 20,0000 killionairs I got on those n00bs."

    Misery loves company I guess :/
  18. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Think about it like this: There was a video of Instinct (a H3 iteration) playing some randoms in the playlist, where they cap one flag on Ons and then sit on their opponents boxes spawn killing for the rest of the game. Or when early H3 FB with Neighbor (I think?) played an entire game of Guard Oddball without firing a shot, melee and nades only, and still won. Or this recent bunch of videos where teams/bunches of pros commit suicide in TS games until they're at like -40, then start playing and win. I know the latter two are kinda different since it's not pounding on the other team in such a blunt way, but the first one certainly is, and either way I guess even actual pros spend a decent amount of time just screwing around in the playlist, often at the cost of their opponents.

    Funny you should call them BTB "pros", though:

    When I read that name it rang a bell, then the general BTB rape reminded me where I'd seen it. He's well known over at BigTeamBattle.net and was one of the guys who recently played against a bunch of MLG pros in a few exhibition BTB matches, commentated by U4IX and a girl from BTB, I forget her name. You should check out the match on their Paradiso-esque variant, similar Banshee rape by that very same guy against guys like Noob, kinda funny to watch.

    Noob was strongly sticking up for the skill of what he did vs. them, and he clearly knows what he's doing in a Banshee in terms of covering himself from fire and escaping teamshot to an insane degree. But I think Noob did overstate it a little, the infinite tricking on the Banshee still leaves me unable to call it truly skilful. There's no way I'd have a chance against this guy if you compared our skill with the Banshee, but I think it'd be such a better balanced addition if you were limited in the amount of tricks you could do in a given time. Spamming that **** is way too easy, and so ultimately I don't consider my comparison to pros above to be absolute, just making a point. Overall I think it's clear that they do this a lot more than pros do, but that speaks to BTB a lot in itself since exploiting the hell out of a pincer forms a huge part of the team skill in BTB. As such I have a slightly harder time respecting it in the same way. Whilst I respect the skill of these guys (more from the MLG video than this pretty cheap display), I think that "skill" in the way it's represented in a highly competitive BTB setting is more about knowing the key tactics on a given map than being rounded as a player or team. But yeah, they do actually hold proper tournaments and all that jazz, I bet it's just pretty damn hard to find a decent match in BTB when you go in as a team that play it to a competitive level. It'd be like Instinct having to go in to TS rather than having the MLG playlist.
    #138 Pegasi, Jun 12, 2012
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2012
  19. iamluke21393

    iamluke21393 Promethean

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    That's pretty damn terrible. Has something been changed with the respawn system in Reach recently? Seems like I've been getting a toooon of crappy spawns lately. Honestly, I was on uncaged and had just grabbed the sniper rifle when I got beat down. I went back and watched the replay and the guy couldn't have possibly spawned in a better spot.

    That will take some getting used to. I've stopped caring about AA's and have just gotten used to having sprint and complaining about people using armor lock as a crutch.

    Better be careful posting stuff like that. I tried posting a picture of a guy with 19 suicides in a MM game and the mods locked the thread. "Personally attacking another person over the internet." Complete bs, but w/e.

    Picture if anybody cares. He wasn't on my team, but it still kind of ruined the game.


    (Go ahead mods, take it down again.)

    Also, anybody know why my imgur.com page is all white and texty and stuff?
    #139 iamluke21393, Jun 12, 2012
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2012
  20. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    Some people enjoy repetitively killing with little effort. They feel like its accomplishing something.
    I enjoyed setting spawn traps on bfbc2 with friends but those were much more difficult so there was a lot of fun involved in setting it up. In halo we never do that though because we refuse to work together intentionally until we're in serious danger of losing.

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