I was playing some Arena on Countdown and my entire team stayed teabagging (and getting killed over and over) at the bottom center of the map...for the entire match.
That's funny, I had a nearly identical experience on Hemorrhage, wraithin' it up. I think I had a streak of 37 or 38 at the time (and odds were VERY good I was getting to 40). I was tempted to betray the guy I saw running into their base with the bomb, but that probably would have ended my streak for a different reason. The one unfriggin' that I do have was also in a wraith on Hemorrhage... man, that thing can be nasty.
I had a near-unfrig experience in Flagstravaganza. 36 kills when we won; I too wanted to snipe the flag carrier... One of the best games I ever played that was. Kinda pissed I didn't get it; I'm still without an unfrig. Aside from that, one case where a guy wanted the yoink so bad, he betrayed me, killed the guy I was assassinating afterwards, then teabagged me. This asshole was on my team, and I had a frenzy. Why? What compels people to do that?
I saw a red dot on my radar and did a one eighty no scope. I killed the guy on my radar, but then the bullet went on to hit another teammate, ricochet off of a rock, then hit a second teammate through the head. This was on cliffhanger.
The fact that people are dicks. You get the sniper rifle, they'll betray you for it. You get the scorpion, they'll throw grenades at you. You get the banshee, they'll EMP you. It's just how immature children are.
>Playing ctf on Asylum >one teammate is afk, the others are getting owned by the reds >all three teammates leave with 30 seconds on the clock >**** >decide to finish the game, unsuccessfully hiding from red team >constantly spawn-sniped till the game ends
You mean half of all montages ever? Woah, Killtrocity with a sniper in the tower on Pinnacle? Woah, Killpocalypse with a sniper and rockets from the same tower? Both in Multi-Team Headhunter/Objective Oddball? Dude, SO COOL.
The gratifying thing is when you run into those kiddies and **** them up proper. I was in multi-team the other day and KOTH/Sword Base came up (a notorious stat whoring wet dream), and you could spot the guys that were going to abuse the game from the lobby - orange team was three very high-ranked dudes with good k/d. I proceeded to crush them singly and as a group the entire game, and my team won the game on top of it. Felt sooooo good. (Unfortunately, I couldn't stop them from going positive and having by far the lowest cumulative team time in the hill... they weren't even pretending to care about the objective.)
Hunting them down is really rewarding...Multi-Team and BTB mostly. Esepcially playing with friends... "xXxPr0Sn1PerxXx is on a Rampage, camping hill with sniper. Get 'em." I live to killjoy those people in objective games. It's one thing if you're playing main slayer to compliment the objective focus of the rest of your team, it's another if you don't give two shits and just snipe guests running for the hill. Especially KotH Sword Base, yeah. Ah well. Serving great justice makes those fragfests more enjoyable anyway.
I've stat whored the hell out of objective games, but generally because I had no interest in playing said gametype and voted against it. I'm not the kind who will specifically vote for objective gametypes simply to ***** kills, I just prefer Slayer unless I'm playing with a full party cause it's much harder to carry randoms to an objective victory than it is in Slayer.
I can understand that, and I'll admit that I've completely given up on some things like Hog Potato, but personally I try to avoid stat whoring in objective if anything for the pleasure of everyone in the game and attempt to equalize the game when someone else does. I also vote for slayer primarily in things like Multi-Team and MLG where it could go either way, but I don't mind playing objective even if my hill time beats my two teammates combined. We don't win, but dammit I'll play my part and then some if I need to. Though totally agree that it is far harder to carry in objective, especially random v full party MLG CTF. That's usually just a slaughter. Wish I had a consistent team to play with. Oh well.
Hijacked a banshee on Spire, lagged like sh*t, got flung, crashed (suicide) then my banshee parts fell on one of my teammates causing a betrayal. How more bad can you get?
there is NOTHING worse than having people drop out of your team literally every single match you do in one day of playing.
It's getting difficult to play anything on matchmaking anymore because of how stupid/unskilled people are.