I died once, in a game on Countdown. That blew. Like, some shiftless, evil little babykicker shot me, and that was it.
I was Sent of a cliff in Campaign with my friend and was catapulted through a check point. Thus making me re-spawn of the cliff for about a dozen times. This happened over and over and Over again. This is a Link to the video:Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details
If you die very quickly right after a checkpoint for a certain amount of times it will send you back 2 checkpoints.
I got played invasion. That was the absolutely worst halo reaach experience I have ever had. It was the easiest, most boring noob fest I've ever seem. Haha
I had one of the worst experiences ever I was playing invasion on boneyard it was the first phase about 30 seconds into the game my whole team left. To make matters worse the elites eventually found out what fire team I was so the went down to my spawn area and started to assassinate me wherever I spawned. In the end it was fine because I got the super jackpot of 30 000 Cr
I was playing SWAT. Horrible connection, my little brother as a team mate, and facing Eclipses. Worst experience ever.
One of my very first games i played a BTB game against a team comprised almost entirely of MLG pros. Ghostyame, Flamesword, Neighbor, Ace, Soldier187,not sure if he's a pro, but a guy named Batmayne was in they're party, too. We were destroyed.
I think Batmayne may have been top 16 at some point but not sure. I remember his the series vs. Final Boss back in Halo 3, think he was on a team with homicide. He was kinda destroying from S2 on Pit. But anyway, that sounds rough dude.
This is more of a win... Somehow, I ended up in a conga line on hemorrage (by the way, best. Thing. Ever.) which involved members of both teams. One douche bag on the other team got a headshot off me, and everybody (EVERYBODY) in the conga line rushed his ass and tea-bagged his corps like no tomorrow. :3
Thaaaaat's pretty funny. Sucks that you were trying to do a LASO though. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Ok, I've got something new to post here. I just logged on to play some Reach tonight (I've been playing Skyrim a lot lately), and I lost three games back-to-back-to-back right when I came back. The worst part was, it wasn't even my fault. I had the highest score on my team for all of the games, my teammates just sucked. One guy wasn't even playing Hog Potato (which we lost by three points (which we could've had if he was paying attention (I don't have time to explain, get in the warthog.).).). Played some SWAT. 12 kills for me, 21 for the team total. One of my teammates got zero kills. Then some Team Hotshot. This gametype's just messed up anyway, but I still got the highest score on my team. Then some shotty snipers. God I love shotty snipers. This was the game I won. By 1 point. I got the last kill too. And a few nice no-scopes that I really didn't deserve. :happy: Video if anybody cares: Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details Anybody else need to vent about crappy teammates? C'mooooon. We all know they're the REAL worst thing that's ever happened to you in matchmaking. [br][/br]Edited by merge: I've got a new worst thing that's ever happened to me.
Bad things The three worst things that happened to me in Matchmaking, 1. Everyone voted Reflection 2. Everyone voted Reflection 3. Everyone voted Reflection OMG can everyone stop voting for Reflection, I know it's shiney but please STOP IT!
well at the very beginnig of a game i got in a wraith that i spawned right in front of. as soon as i got in it i just had a vehicle lag moment and my wraith went flying forwards splattering three of my team mates and hit a wall causeing me to commit suicide. triple betrayle and a suicide. that is what i call a fail... i ended up making a recovery through the game i worked my back towards the top of the list and redeemed my self. the vid is on my fileshare if you want to see. my gt is waterfallninja3
I got **** on by some professionals. I was playing the Team Objective playlist and it was CTF on Asylum. They capped the flag two times and spent the rest of the game killing me and my teammates. Two guys on the ridge of the buildings where the sniper rifles spawn just below the killzones and two guys in the center ring shooting at anybody that wasn't behind cover. It was pretty bad, but I capped their flag once. ^^
I'm not sure if they were really popular, but they were some new kind of elite gamers. I don't think I killed them more than once or twice the whole game.
Man, I remember the beta where you could get booted after the game had ended when the score was showing. Considering how often people start betraying in that time it was a pretty unfortunate glitch, still slightly bitter about falling victim to it...