I was playing team snipers with two friends. They're dating. One of them (the guy) is pretty good at Halo. The other one (the girl) has her moments. I was in the process of getting an assassination on an enemy when the girl spotted the guy I was assassinating. She showstoppered me. My own teammate showstoppered me. To make matters worse, the guy that I was assassinating killed her right afterwards.
Mine has to be, playing TU One Flag on Ridgeline, then getting the flag all the way back to my base just to find out that I was the only guy left on my team and half there team was also at my base. All that work for nothing...
Always fun when your whole team leaves the game. I've only left one game in my entire Reach matchmaking career. :happy:
Playing a game mode called 'To the Death' in action sack or fiesta. Seriously, go look it up if you don't know what I'm talking about. It was really amazing. I hope they gave the guy that thought that game mode up a free candy bar (and then fired his ass).
I hate people who are the only person left on a team and don't quit. Makes the match just drag on and on and is extremely boring for the full team.
Ehh, it goes both ways. I hate leaving, even when the rest of my team does because I just dislike leaving in general. But at the same time, you really don't want to be there and get destroyed by a full team for the rest of the game.
i was in grifball and there entire team got behind our spawn and boosted on us o and they were inheritors
You guys will love this. Not too long ago, I was playing on Hemmorage, and I got the sniper rifle in the beginning of the match. So, I go to the base adjacent to the ocean, and I stealth kill for a few minutes. But soon, My teammate was going toward me, with 2 or 3 people on the other team trailing behind him, at which point they kill me and hump my corpse. I guess they were all in a party together, somehow?... Thanks alot, I had no idea this thread was going to be this awesome.
I am usually the one to stay, but I generally end up doing better compared to them then my whole team when Im set up with randoms, they let their guards down and that makes for easy kills, especially with camo.
Some people care about their credit jackpot. If you quit a game, it'll ruin your chances of hitting big jackpots.
Well, I've got something new to contribute. I was at my friend's house (only reason I haven't posted the file here yet) playing team snipers with him. I died. He was shooting at some guys on the cliff across from our base (Hemorrhage). I respawned right in his crosshairs and was instantly killed. I'll post the video as soon as I can convince my friend to put it on his fileshare.
Maybe not the worst, but the most annoying thing that happen to me was during a Big Team Battle on Breakpoint. I Jumped into the pilot seat of a falcon and two of my team mates jumped into the gunner seats. I took off and just after getting high enough to see over the hill in the middle, I was lasered out of the air by the opposite team, which blew the falcon to pieces killing all three of us. However, the game for some reason decided that instead of giving the kills of my team mates to the guy with the Laser, it was classed as a betrayal by me so I was instantly kick from the game. It annoyed me more because one or both of them left negative feedback on my Gamertag, giving me a % mark for unsporting behaviour.
I'm guessing they didn't realise I was the pilot and though I was the one that lasered them. Either that or their trigger fingers just hit the boot button the second it popped up.
I've had people do that before. Boot me for something that was completely out of my control. I was driving a Warthog and one of my teammates spawned right in front of me.
It's a tie for me: I started up match making and Boardwalk gets voted for. I started up match making and Sword Base gets voted for. I started up match making and some broken forge map gets voted for.