What's the worst thing that's happened to you in Reach Matchmaking?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by XXWeaponXX7, Jan 2, 2012.

  1. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Pending you actually finding a match, of course.
  2. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    Sure. I was speaking a bit facetiously - while Halo 3 did blow Reach away as far as giving you evenly-matched games, I myself haven't played a single game of 3 since Reach was released. Still, whatever Bungie did in 3 with ranked games, I hope 343 returns to some facsimile of it in Halo 4. I don't care about the 1-50 ranks, but rather the background skill-matching part; in Reach, it seems to be pretty much lacking.
  3. a sharp corner

    a sharp corner Ancient
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    I sniped myself in the head.... apparently bullets can ricochet off of a flat surface if you shoot it straight on..... the video is on my file share
  4. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    I go back and play it occasionally, and then without fail spend the whole time bitching about horrible netcode and not being able to put ranged fire down with the BR. Sniping is hella fun, though, and I miss me some H3 frags.

    But yeah, you're right about the ranking. 1-50 is (imo) not that relevant, though it was definitely an aspect of how solid H3's ranked playlist matching was, but people fixate upon it as an emblem of what they miss: good matches.

    Yeah, had that happen to me a few times. It seems as if shooting mid strafe makes it more likely. I can't remember it ever happening when I'm standing still (though to be honest I don't make a real habit of standing still in front of walls and shooting my Sniper, unless there's a griefer at work), but generally when I'm popping in and out of cover behind a rail or something and just catch the edge as I fire.
    #184 Pegasi, Jun 20, 2012
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2012
  5. Pulpapple

    Pulpapple Promethean

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    Let's see...it's not usually particular moments, but small repetitive 'wtf' moments that results in me tossing the controller in the air and walking away lol.

    But in particular, I was playing on multi-team on Headhunter on Powerhouse and we had a terrible start...my friend and I were catching up slowly when we finally made it to second place...we had 15 seconds left, when I couldn't believe it! Before my eyes, I became apart of a violent brawl which I survived...and collected the maximum amount of heads you can collect [enough to win the game]. =D

    Triumphantly, and hastily, I was sprinting towards the nearest objective. I saw my objective (ran out of sprint) and those last steps before stepping in the circle my face was so big!.........but then, [gold team] two of the three players of the first place team both jumped from behind these two rocks - shot the crap out of me, and ONE STEP before I entered the circle, they killed me...continued to shoot at my dead body, and....*sigh* tea-bagged me. -_-
    Before I knew anything else, the announcer said "Gamer over."

    Just thinking about it makes me want to walk up to my controller, pick it up, and throw it lol.
  6. iamluke21393

    iamluke21393 Forerunner

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    Sure sounds frustrating. I don't generally like playing Headhunter for a few reasons.
    -People stand in the circles a lot which makes the game less fun.
    -Once you get a decent amount of skulls, you've got 9 people after your head.
    -Some people just go for multikills and killing sprees.
  7. FM and the BB

    FM and the BB Promethean

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    I was playing invasion, and I was about to score the core, and the second I put it in the hill the game black screens and reverts back to the top of the spire only to realize there was only 50 seconds remaining.
  8. Pulpapple

    Pulpapple Promethean

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    Your game my friend, got hacked.
  9. Waterfall

    Waterfall Forerunner
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  10. Shik

    Shik Forerunner

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    Failing ninjas.

    CAPNxXxCANT Forerunner

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    I was playing btb on boneyard, and it turns out I went black screen about a minute longer than everybody else at the beginning of the game, but i was in the initial spawn place when I started playing, so I thought I hadn't died. I go 17 straight kills, don't die the whole game, and I'm thinking I'm gonna get my 3rd perfection in reach. It turns out I had died during the black screen, so I was only 17-1 :(
  12. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    Black screening takes sprees away and occasionally perfections too. Perfections are supposed to count kills and deaths at the end of the game to avoid this but somehow it didn't work that way for me once.
  13. IH8YourGamerTag

    IH8YourGamerTag Ancient

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    I made it to inheritor and now I'm just like "when's halo 4 again?"

    maybe I just need a break but I've been addicted to other games suddenly and reach suddenly holds no interest. Oversaturation I guess
  14. REMkings

    REMkings BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I know right? Happened to me at least once in Reach. Didn't get the Perfection, neither did I get the spree medal I was about to get. (I believe the Rampage one)
    It's actually funny because I never got to have a Perfection in Halo 3 until a few days ago, when one of those glitches occurred again. At the point when I got a Killing Frenzy, I quickly checked my kill count only to see that I had more than 10 kills, so I thought I'd already died at least once and just didn't remember. So getting the Perfection after performing the 16th and winning kill, was a huge and pleasant surprise :p
  15. iamluke21393

    iamluke21393 Forerunner

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    I feel your pain. I've been in MM with friends through system link and while my screen is completely blank I can see them trying to protect me while I just sit there. Very frustrating.

    Also, just went +50 in a game of 1-flag and we tied the game.
    We TIED the game when I had their whole base on lockdown.
    I got double RR's for chrissake.
    I think the rest of my team must've been black screened the whole game.
    It didn't even give me my MVP avatar at the top of the game history page.
    (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

  16. caughtsword4

    caughtsword4 Promethean

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    I was in a wraith (not actually driving, just riding) in it with 2 other people. It was BTB, and we almost won, but it was a close game. The driver, then decided to drive into the ocean (this is hemmhorage) we all died, and instead we ended up losing.
    #196 caughtsword4, Aug 19, 2012
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2012
  17. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    You still remember this from almost two years ago?
  18. caughtsword4

    caughtsword4 Promethean

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    Ummmmmm.... I never said this was from 2 years ago. And actually, the driver was my sister, whos a fail. (she was a guest on xbox live)
  19. iamluke21393

    iamluke21393 Forerunner

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    I would've sold her to gypsies after that.
  20. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    The scorpions on Hemmorage in matchmaking were removed almost two years ago.

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