Unfortunately, right now full party boosting (for some reason) is not bannable. That's not all that Savior Soul is doing though. If you pay attention to his Firefight games, he's got a lot with 0 points and a negative spread. To me that indicates he's AFK and either using a rubber band around his controller to keep him moving or he's hooking his controller up to his PC and having it move him so he doesn't get an AFK ban.
I've seen 2 mythics, nothing higher than that as of now I'm a General Grade I, but I haven't been playing at alllllll recently, I was a General like a month ago xD, I've been playing more recently though cuz I'm only 300k from my SUPER LIGHTNING!
Priceless... looks like I was right. xXSAVIORS0ULXx got bitchslapped by the latest upgrade to the banhammer. Wish I had a camera to see his face when he logged on to see that.
I know right? Especially because it doesn't reset commendations; he has to do all of his boosting without the 50-60 mil bump you get from it! Sucks to suck lol
The best part of the cR resets/bans is the threads... man does it bring tears of laughter to my eyes reading kids responses. Bungie.net : Halo: Reach Forum : Credit Resets - 5/24/2011 I especially love the ones that say they did it only 30 times. LOL.