Some I Thought Funny: "Press (B) then ^ on the D-Pad then (A)" Of course modded. Doing this made you leave the lobby in MW2. Note, the quotations is the modded name. Another was "Yourself" I met in Halo 3 Matchmaking. It was funny because when you would kill him it would be like: >You killed Yourself< that made me laugh a little. "Nasty Nuggets" was a random guy I met on the first Gears of War. Made me laugh. *EDIT* Thought it was funny because I was the 100th poster.
LeroyJenkins. Not that funny, but it made me think of the song 'Bad, Bad Leroy Brown' by Jim Croce. Bagged him out the entire match. I lol'd. Others; THERAYPAR SPR4YM4NLUVONM3 (or something similar, cant remember the exact spelling) PooParticles69 EffYouSeeKayyyy you go pie migit frenzy Stop Camping115 (yeahboii!!) MRAWESOMETASTIC S0D4STR3AM (Aussies will get that one ;D ) DingoAteMyBabie WillClutch4W33d XBOX CHAMPI0N (ironically, he sucked, really bad) These are just some from my recent games list, played heaps more with strange and funny GTs, just cant remember half of them.
Heres some funny ones I have run into: -WookieButtsack -Gogigagagagigo Heres some that I thought of: -Inflamed Poo Log -Flexible Stain -Scary Poo Juice -1 2 3 4skin -Inametagacy - from the movie "Year One".... might be spelled wrong Heres one that my friend was gonna use: -Flaming Lobes He was gonna use this because he called himself flames all the time and he has oversized earlobes. hahahahahaha
H3RP13S AND A1DS. You can come up with either; "You killed H3RP13S AND A1DS" or "You were killed by H3RP13S AND A1DS. XD