My little brother had a friend named Titty Tacos (not exactly sure of the spelling). He got perma-banned for trying to cheat the system by getting a suspension to overwrite his orginal banned.
Sgt. Skittles I was playing halo 3 and i stuck a guy and his gamertag was "it up the hole" so it said "You stuck it up the hole" I laughed so hard
The most comments I've heard ingame about gamertags is mine, FlamingArmadilo, mostly negative (people either thinking it says dildo/flamingo, or that I'm homosexual because my name says flaming), but I just ignore them, because either 1 they're misreading it, or 2 theyre insecure with themselves. Once people get past those parts, they usually realize its actually a pretty cool gamertag
Lasagna Pudding He kept taking my weapons, and stopped me from capturing the flag on numerous occasions. I hate Lasagna Pudding.
A Depressed Nerd. Twas funny because every time youd kill him it would be You Splattered A Depressed Nerd or You Stuck a Depressed Nerd or blahblahblah killed A depressed Nerd with grenades.
I know im a bit late quoting this but i have actually played with that guy online and he had the squeakiest voice ever. anyway the funniest ive seen is 'AGangOfHobos' I lol'd when he/she punched me and it said 'AGangOfHobos Pummelled you' Oh and my friend used to be called 'Tartan Panda' on xbox live but then he joined a clan and changed his gamertag
It's always funny to play someone with a name along the lines of "CoDzilla" or xXG0D 0f CODXx" on Forza 3.
I've seen snipeclown and SHARKTITS, both of which my friends and I found funny. Hehe...SHARKTITS pummeled you...
Mine is like DunkinMyCookies. Ppl seem to think its funny and ask how i thought of it. When I was trying to find an untaken gamertag, washableMango popped up as a suggestion. Lol.