What's the BIG deal with interlocking?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Shihuru, Mar 31, 2008.

  1. Shihuru

    Shihuru Ancient
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    I know interlocking is a VERY useful forge technique wich allows maps to look neater, but lately i've notice that if a map contains very little or no interlocking, other people will look down on it and won't even try it out. There are plenty of good maps out there that doesn't contains any interlocking, but because of that, no one bother's to check it out. I have just started really using interlocking, as well as infinite-budget maps. They are very good, but i don' think interlocking should be required. I do think that infinite-budget maps should be used. I have made a couple of maps without using infinite-budget, and i do regret not using them for some of those maps. You guys have eard my opinion, now i want to know what your opinions are... :squirrel_chatting:
  2. Kapura

    Kapura Ancient
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    This has been done before, but I'm too lazy to find linksauce.

    1: It makes maps look better
    2: It demonstrates grasp of upper echelon forging techniques, virtually guaranteeing a better thought out map.
    3: It demonstrates time and effort to make a map look and play it's best.
    4: It makes maps play better. Less haxors, shooting through cracks, losing grenades, floorbouncing, etc.

    I know not EVERY situation requires interlocking, but there's your reason.
  3. Shihuru

    Shihuru Ancient
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    it takes alot of practice using interlocking. Interlocking doesn't always come out clean, its hard to make sure objects are aligned correctly...
  4. Mikey

    Mikey Guest

    Who is forcing you to Interlock?

    Who said it was required?

    If you want your map to be featured then yes, interlocking should be used.

    If you are applying for Guilder then yes, use good interlocking to impress your judges.

    Nobody is stopping you from making your map the way you want to.

    You can post a map without using interlocking but just know that not many people are going to be impressed by it.

    Yes, there are good maps without interlocking but have you ever noticed those maps are maps like Standoff, or any of the older maps, because there cannot be much interlocking.
  5. Kapura

    Kapura Ancient
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    Exactly. I would rather DL a map made by someone I know has at least the skills to interlock than a map which is random crap thrown together, 42 power weapons, and wraiths. I'm not saying ALL interlocked maps are great, or that ALL noninterlocked are horrible. But take some time, make a map look better, and it will do better.
  6. Shihuru

    Shihuru Ancient
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    everyone who rates maps are, if you don't have interlocking, then it is not good. thats how i interpret what pople are saying now. I do think it should be used, if its neccessry. It shouldn't be required for to be used just to impress the judges who are looking at your guilder app.
  7. iversonrocks03

    iversonrocks03 Ancient
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    there are some good maps that arent interlocked
    but there are no great ones.

    all the maps that are just absoulutly outstanding, use interlocking

    and there are reasons for that, they are just posted above.

    there are also reasons why all the excellent forgers, interlock every map.

    i understand where you are coming from though
  8. Kapura

    Kapura Ancient
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    Shihuru, the Guilders don't just see if a map is interlocked before they accept. But do you honestly believe that they would accept someone who doesn't interlock? Just look at the past few guilders maps, and tell me how many weren't interlocked.
  9. Critical Ghost

    Critical Ghost Ancient
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    Its a big deal because it stops people and nades from falling or getting stuck inbetween boxes. Also if u have trouble lining up ur boxes try using a stair case or a bridge as a ruler to keep boxes straight
  10. Shihuru

    Shihuru Ancient
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    Your just saying that because they haven't denied you yet, :( (They denied me, but i will apply again!)

    Critical ghost: I don't have much of a problem with interlocking, i have my own techniques for any problems that do come up. Im just bringing up some problems other people have.
  11. Kapura

    Kapura Ancient
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    Don worry Shihuru, they will find a reason to deny me. But they want to know that all Guilders are EXCELLENT at all advanced techniques before accepting them. Also, 600.
  12. Shihuru

    Shihuru Ancient
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    I know, thats one thing i lack, is skills using the advance forge techniques, such as forcing objects through the map (may be the only advance forge technique). Its freaking hard!

    Oh yeah, what is 600 suppose to mean exactly?
  13. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    Here's my official take on it. (Official Response of Me :)

    Interlocking is a basic skill of using Foundry. It's also one of the most useful. Last box there won't fit in? Interlock. Wanna make an artsy structure? Interlock. That bit of wall causing major bumps? Interlock. Universe asploded? Interlock.
    Okay, maybe not that last one, but Interlocking is a ubiquitous tool, and an extremely effective one at that.

    Everything else I want to say has already been said.
  14. InventiveLizard

    InventiveLizard Ancient
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    I still have no idea how interlocking works and it doesn't really sound like something uber amazing. If your making a floor it would be needed, but not on every map. I think ifg you can, use it, but people won't give us newbs a chance because we can't interlock :(
  15. Mallet

    Mallet Ancient

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    If I where to list the best maps on this site, the majority, if not all of them would use interlocking. Using it enables us to create exactly what we want, the right shapes and heights and smoothness. Sure you may have created a good map without it, but you have compromised to fit with how bungie intended foundry maps to be. If you drew a perfect map concept now I am certain it would not consist of all 90 degree angles and all the geometry being as tall as the walls and boxes.

    There is no rule saying you have to use it, but it is a huge tool in forge.
  16. a dumb cat

    a dumb cat Ancient
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    Interlocking allows for more possibilities, but it is up to the forger to use those possibilities. It is very possible that interlocking will be squandered on poor map design, thus rendering it useless regardless of how many interlocked pieces there are.

    A map that does not use interlocking is limited as far as design, but this does not mean it will be a poor map; it will just take smarter map design to make use of the big blocky pieces effectively.

    I have always hated Foundry for its initial map design, but other Bungie employees came out with some of their own Foundry maps that did not use interlocking. They were actually pretty sweet, too.

    BTW I think Bungie is against interlocking; they never put an interlocked map in their favorites...

  17. Shock Theta

    Shock Theta Father of 4chub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    MLG Onslaught and Stockpile are both interlocked.
  18. Supa Midget

    Supa Midget Ancient
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    Okay interlocking is a nice handy tool to have.
    Its not necesary but it makes your map beter eye candy and thus is an advertising tool aswell as being nice.
    Say you had millions of couches you could buy.
    Some of them are really really comfy but you dont sit on them becuase they smell funny or have stains all over them.
    AND you can only buy 100 couches(because in a modern lifestyle you need lots and lots of couches,duh)
    Thats most of it,it isnt neccessary as such but with limited downloads you wont go for just anything.
    Also interlcoking is more than just making things look nice,using it allows you to manipulate the shapes at your limited disposal in forge,allowing you the greatest opportunity to make something great.
    If you dont like interlocking but think you have a great map then maybe add a video(geevee it for instance) to show off the map without people actually ahving to go to the trouble of DLing it to see what its like.
    I mean lets face it ofundry maps all look the same on pics...its all that erry shape of green/grey
  19. holy liar

    holy liar Ancient
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    I believe that Interlocking is an art! It's used to make two or more objects look like one. It can also create whole new objects if you combined them correctly. An example that I'm using in a map I'm working on, A falling tunnel created of 6 single boxes and 2 double boxes. It makes such a small, unbelievablely tite fit. The only thing I don't like about Interlocking is that if you restart the round to many times it will end your game, thus you lose unsaved data. I had to redo things so many times on my map last night it drove me freakin insane. If your haveing trouble remembering exactly where you placed an object that you wanted to Interlock, then just place Respawn points at each end of you object and if necessary some in the middle. That's my technique and it works great.
  20. a dumb cat

    a dumb cat Ancient
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    I can't seem to find those map variants on Bungie Favorites or in their archives. Do you know where those are located?



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