I recall playing a map on Sandbox but I can't remember the name. A little help? It's a mini-game. I've already searched it in the forums, no luck. The game is played in the sky of the map, and is played similar to variations of Duck Hunt. There is a huge ring where the "ducks" need to drive their mongeese all the way to the end of the ring. It is not a connected ring... At the end, they jump into a teleporter where they can grab the custom powerup and attempt to snipe the "duck hunter". Last Man Standing is gold, with slight camo. Um... the ring (which is pretty much the race track) is made with different objects, which means you need to stay left, stay right, or drive right in the middle to prevent from falling off the course. Oh, and the "hunter" spawns on a platform in the center of the ring, suspended high in the air. SO DOES ANYONE KNOW WHAT THE MAP IS CALLED? Thank you.
I've played that one too, i thought it was garbage. There's another map of similar design that is a lot more fun, im not sure if its released yet or not, but that map sucked. The ducks were ridiculously far away, even when you were fully scoped in they were tiny specks.
The version with the far away ducks and the sniper is actually really fun. So long as you lead your reticule at the front of the mongoose, but at the same level as the person's head... headshot. But the one I played that I liked better involved rockets. You'd be driving along peacefully, then.... POW RIGHT IN THE KISSER.
I suppose the fun level depends on the skill level of the sniper then, lol, cuz i suck balls. sniping balls, that is.
Then I suppose you'd enjoy the rockets more. They're more about judging how far ahead to shoot. Also you snipe people's balls? Remind me to never give you the sniper =p.
Is it the one where there's wall halfs that thin out the path and stuff? And the sniper also has rockets?