In Call of Duty: Black Ops, for uncompetitive recreational activities, the looming gargantuan of **** Zombies is usually the first place we turn. For what could be more enjoyable than blowing zombie brains out with your chums? I'll tell you what-blowing HUMAN brains out with your chums! Thats right, through some unused time, and some bored people, I just figured out what everyone else already knew about, the bot system! But did you know that you could fill the rest of the slots with maddened veteran bots on nuketown for a camping-while-worried-out-of-your-mind-that-they-are-going-to-break-in zombie-esque game? That's right! In fact, If you don't stay together and set up good eqipment and perk combos between your friendlies, you'll end up dying, you'll spawn right with the enemies, and they won't take more than a few seconds to kill you. The whole concept is that you can pick whatever guns you want, seeing as this only works on splitscreen, and play with up to four on one Xbox! If someone has already discovered this, well, I'm sorry that I'm just finding out about it. To each his own, I guess.