hello, this is corey0x0 and I am currently making a map called Creekbed. I would like to know what people would want in a map. P.S. i am going to make every gametype but infection on this map,because infection would just not be fun. type of wepons what wepons not to use with each other type of games other.. thank you and please tell me what you would want
Original structures, good weapon placement, good spawns, and make it good for all gametypes besides infection. Territories, Capture the flag, King of the Hill, everything. For weapons, I personally like BRs, sniper, carbines. Mix it up a bit, use weapons that aren't used ofter like a hammer or something. Maybe also on Avalanche or another map other than Foundry.
I love seeing original unqiue structures, these are the kinds of things that make me download maps. Also interlocking and geomerging are always a major factor in maps work on that
Don't worry, I still like maps on Foundry lol. I'll probably download if it looks good. Design some original structure that's geomerged and interlocked a lot, that looks the best to me.
You double posted...:squirrel_nono: Ask a mod to merge the posts so you don't get an infraction. Looking forward to the picture though!