how is this fun? i would much prefer the limited realism of CoD. anyway, i hope there are more than just a few new perks. and that they are actually useful. such as allowing you to move faster perhaps.
That is a great idea, I always hated how that 'Extreme Conditioning' only allowed you to run for a tiny bit longer before getting exhausted. If you could run a bit faster (5-10%) the perk would actually be used.
CoD has a long way to go to be realistic, if you get shot and take cover for a few seconds, your health comes back. Doesn't happen IRL and not everyone is wolverine.
Zombie Talibanz. And a **** load of small SAS tailored missions like the final secret mission on MW:1.
Maybe an announcer that says BOOM HEADSHOT or DOUBLE KILL. Lol. I personally would like to see some co op MISSIONS with zombies. Like get through the level kind of thing. Some player looks customization. I'm surprised that nobody has said this, but a motha ****in editor. They had one for cod4 for the computer. I want one for the sexbox!
Well the computer and the xbox are very different. It would be very hard for a CoD map editor to work on the xbox. I'm not saying I wouldn't like it, but that it would be hard to do. When you compare CoD to every other xbox game, it seems fairly realistic. I'm aware that there are some games much more realistic than CoD, but there are many more that are not, nor made to be, realistic. Plus, I think games that are "Real Life Real" aren't that fun anyways.
Want i want to see in MW2 is new gametypes where one team has to escort a vip off the map while the other team has to assassinate him. Another idea is to have more customization for the guns. For example in R6V you can put a silencer and a scope on your gun so why not cod? While on the talk of customizations laser sights added to the customisation lists and heat sensors. Player customization would be another cool feature.
I think it's realistic, whether it was meant to be or not. However, I will now keep my opinions to myself.
m04r nubt00bSe! i want em in meh submachineguns, i want em in meh lmg's, i want em in snipers, and most importantelyt, i want em in meh deaglez!
A broader variety of weapons is a given. I can see weapons like the SCAR and M8 being guaranteed inclusions, along with numerous Sniper rifles, LMG's and SMG's. Perhaps the MG3G that absolutely rapes Battlefield:Bad Company, or the L96 Sniper that absolutely rapes Vegas 2. I doubt they would even consider dropping a single weapon from Modern Warfare 2 for fear of uproar. Much like the transition from Vegas 1 to Vegas 2, with only a few minor additons to an already high quality weapons set.
It would be nice if killing spree bonuses stacked. For example when I get 7 kills in a row I don't want the air strike to be replaced, but put on a que so that after using the air-strike I can use the helicopter.
Um, I think the game is better just allowing players to only put on one attachment, I mean a silencer and a scope on a weapon will be overkill. Thats stealth and range all nicely packed into one... For Laser sights, I think that would be cool too. We could be able to put laser sights on pistols instead of only the silencer. The heat sensor, I don't know, when you say heat sensor, you mean something like a motion sensor? My List: 1. Laser guided Missiles instead of airstrikes or just as a perk 2. Attachments for MP44 3. 2x Motion Sensors (Perk 1) 4. Incendiary Rounds or incendiary grenades (Perk 1) 5. New weapon: The HK UMP SMG (Great gun BTW) 6. Dual Wielding Perk (Perk 2) 7. Create-a-Class for Splitscreen 8. Better Gilly suits (One that actually camouflages with the environment)
a perk that allows for two attachments on your weapon i also second the staking killstreak bonuses idea a perk that exchanges UAV for a radar jammer than would make random dots appear on your enemies radar (would be very useful in S&D) different kinds of red dot sights laser sights only viewable with night vision goggles a perk that reduces your weapons recoil
As matty said, some more weapon variation: As follows: VSS Vintorez Spoiler AEK Spoiler LR300 Spoiler Type 05 Spoiler Benelli Nova Spoiler Novelty guns: Old fashioned Tommy gun. Massive revolver. The Gyrojet pistol (a failed handheld rocket launcher).
Only the top picture had the image code. VSS Vintorez Spoiler AEK Spoiler LR300 Spoiler Type 05 Spoiler Benelli Super Black Eagle 2 (Sorry, I would rather have a semi-automatic.) Spoiler Definitely
+rep to you sir. Modern Warfare 2 - Worldwide Reveal Somewhere in this vid, you can see a man using a XM8 with a scope.
Wasn't the army trying to slowly phase in XM8's? I mean, I remember that they didn't because the XM8 had some melting issues on the plastic of the gun, and eventually America decided that it only wanted American made weapons. or some **** like that