What would you like to see in Call of Duty: Modern Combat 2?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by doomgrunt, Jul 9, 2009.

  1. Jake Pajamas

    Jake Pajamas Guest

    i would like to be able to do split-screen with live. i hate having friends over then just doing 1v1 or 1v1v1 and everyone knows where the other is.
  2. Wood Wonk

    Wood Wonk Ancient
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    does anyone know if the SCAR is going to be in it? i hope so.

    i also want to see some vehicles in multiplayer. not tanks, abrams tanks are just about impossible to destroy. but some light transport vehicle. although only in some bigger maps, if there are bigger maps.
  3. Transhuman Plus

    Transhuman Plus Ancient
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    Aww, my feelings.

    Add in ability to tweak perks, weapons in system link and I really don't care about anything else.

    Maybe we should make a separate thread called "What would you like to see in Call of Duty: Modern Combat 2 that's realistic and not ridiculous."

    But seriously, if they release another crappy zombie mode i'm going to use my ridiculously crappy night vision goggles to sneak into their studio and pour honey on the keyboards.

    BASED GOD Ancient

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    AUG and FAMAS are definitely new additions.
  5. Gr4phix

    Gr4phix Ancient
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    Watch the Videos, AUG and FAMAS are already in the games. I'm pretty sure the SCAR is too if that's what someone asked.

    Let's be realistic now and not go off the deep end here O.K.?

    What about, just either resetting the time on a Marty, but make it Passive like the character already does that. Cause that Marty bullshit is WEAK if you really need to DIE to get a kill you just have to suck.

    BTW, there is a Ghillie Suit Perk and a Perk to get another UAV, Airstrike, and Chopper after 7Kills.

    I do know that if you preorder the Prestige Edition you get a pair of Working NightVision Goggles. So tight.

    Idk I'm kind of just waiting to see what they're going to give us. I've seen the E3 video of MW2 and if they had given us CoD4, I'm sure MW2 is going to be twice as better.
  6. Dreaddraco2

    Dreaddraco2 Ancient
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    If MW2 was fair, 1 - 3 bullets would kill if anywhere around the centre of the torso/neck/head. Automatic/Semi-Automatic guns would dominate.
  7. Deathlycobra

    Deathlycobra Ancient
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    For all the Vehicle faggs(if you take offense then your lame) You obviously have not play the best god damn call of duty before modern warfare, Call of Duty:United Offensive. They had vehicle system and it worked to-****ing-perfection. World at War (aka made by treyarch) had a dumbass idea that teamwork should be used to take out a god damn tank, which made the game ****. Ive been playing CoD since the first game, I know when they add vehicles, it will work.
    #67 Deathlycobra, Jul 15, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2009
  8. Thorax tehGREAT

    Thorax tehGREAT Ancient
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    I wouldn't mind a like laser trip wire. Instead blowing up like claymores it would just alert the user that the laser has been tripped and prepare. It could have like 3 or 5 to idk compete with the claymore.
  9. Jake Pajamas

    Jake Pajamas Guest

    can we all stop saying that an abrams tank is impossible to kill? i feel like i've read that 8 times in this thread. who gives a **** about how hard an abrams tank is to kill in real life. it's a videogame and i doubt that they would put an impossible to kill vehicle in a videogame.
  10. doomgrunt

    doomgrunt Ancient
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    CoD is a fairly realistic game, if it's hard to destroy in real life, it will probably be hard to destroy in CoD.

    I'm glad to know that vehicles have worked well in previous CoD games. However, I doubt that very much, if any, vehicle use will be implemented in MW2 multi player. They do ride snowmobiles in the E3 trailer.

    I love the AUG and SCAR, I can't wait to use them.

    I wouldn't just like to have this, I would die for this.

    Some of what we are asking for is NOT ridiculous.

    I do hope you guys realize that some of those were jokes.

    So, here is my revised list of changes I would like to see:
    • Zombies
    • 4 Players local for Zombies
    • More perks in Zombies
    • More camouflages for weapons
    • Custom Classes in splitscreen
    • Ability to bring a friend into matchmaking with you, whether he has his own XBL profile or he is a guest.
    • Improved Graphics
    • More Weapons
    • More Perks
    • Ability to crawl in Last Stand

    These are things that I know we won't see:
    • Bear Traps
    • Lots of Vehicles
    • Camouflage for knives
    • Trip Wires
    • Juggernaut removed
    • Stopping Power removed
    • Martyrdom Removed
    • Different types of knives

    These are things that I'm sure we'll see:
    • More Weapons
    • More Perks
    • Improved Graphics
  11. Shedo

    Shedo Ancient
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    There will be.
    Also, a perk that will allow bear traps to be in the game.
  12. Deathlycobra

    Deathlycobra Ancient
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    I can say they martyrdom (perk) should only be used on computer because I used Call of Duty 4 on computer first and no one abused martyrdom until I went on xbox, EVERYONE USES IT. Its oretty much garbage
  13. Shihuru

    Shihuru Ancient
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    You know what i want to see? Laser guided missiles!

    You know, the ones that killed Osama's cousin...

    It'll be cool, instead of airstrikes, we can have the precise power of the laser guided. It could be like a "paint the target" kind of thing, where players get the 5 kills then pull out the laser thingy-ma-jing and paint the target!
  14. doomgrunt

    doomgrunt Ancient
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    I'll tell you one reason I like martyrdom. If some stupid person thinks it's fun to stand over your body and shoot it, he gets blown up by a grenade.
  15. ShaddoBlade

    ShaddoBlade Fuzzy Little Man Peach
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    I don't see what the big deal is with martyrdom. When you kill someone, don't run over their body. Enough said.
  16. Shedo

    Shedo Ancient
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    Fat Man from Fallout 3 would be sah-weet to replace that dumb RPG. Also a Yao Guai faction?

    Just a suggestion..
  17. DunkinMyCookies

    DunkinMyCookies Ancient
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    I could have sworn it was Modern Warfare 2...
  18. Wood Wonk

    Wood Wonk Ancient
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    yes why does everyone hate martyrdom so? i literally never get killed by it unless i insist upon tea bagging somebody, and doing so with the intention of dying, even if i have to wait for somebody to shoot me.
  19. Transhuman Plus

    Transhuman Plus Ancient
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    I'm going to be honest, I use Martyrdom in every playlist except Hardcore (because I care about my team/ not getting booted) or Search and Destroy (Because you only have one life, and there's more important perks).

    In WAW:
    Thomspson (Round barrel)
    Bouncing Betties

    I'll not be ashamed of using any of the perks, that's what they're there for.
  20. doomgrunt

    doomgrunt Ancient
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    It is Modern Warfare 2, and thats already been pointed out.

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