Back in high school the guidance consular asked us what we would do if we had a million dollars, and whatever you say was what you were supposed to do. So like, if you said you would fix up old cars, then you would become a mechanic. What would you do if you had 1,000,000 dollars? Well man, I'll tell you what I'd do. two chicks at the same time.
£500,000 ? Well about £80,000 would go on my university fees. I'd get my driving test out the way and get a pretty nice car, but i wouldn't spend more than £15,000 on that. Spend the remaining £5,000 on some clothes and simple presents for my family, and put the £400,000 in the bank and get some beefy interest during my potentially free time at uni.
Take $3000 grand and invest in the weed market, (IF YOU KNOW WHAT I AM SAYING, MONEY BACK MAKIN STACKzZZZZ) College, Car, invest the rest.
If I had 1 million dollars I would convert them into pounds so i could actually spend them then I would put about 100 grand towards Uni costs then the rest I would start a small company with, over time growing it larger until it was large enough were i could buy the moon and build a moon base there.
Buy a time machine, and go to the first year their ever was, and then "Accidentally" stop the creation of our universe, thus causing a paradox which would destroy reality and unreality, while at the same time not destroying reality or unreality so as not to cause another level of paradox. Or buy a calculator and divide by zero. The rest I would spend on cheap pornographic magazines and distribute them across Africa to the poor tribes. Oh and hire 54 assassins to kill Gordan Brown.
Pay off parents mortgage. Get a house of my own, preferably in Santa Barbera. College stuff. And yea, just save it I guess.
I think I'd do something practical, something none of you would consider doing, something that would really make a difference and makes a lot of sense.. I'd give it to Bill Gates.
I'd put it in the bank until I was 30, then I would withdraw the cash with all the added interest and live my life of luxury. I've just got back from Lanzerote and it was the nicest place i've ever been to. I would start by making a luxury hillside house at the top of one of the volcanoes.
The mind of a 6 year old? Your so funny. He said a million not a billion. My house cost over that and its nowhere near exotic. If i had a million dollars (more) I would buy another car, and the rest of it would go towards my bank account.