What do you think? Buff - When something is made more powerful. Nerf - When something is made less powerful. I think the Scorpion needs to be nerfed, so it doesn't take 10 rockets to destroy it. I also think the Plasma rifle needs to be buffed to a faster kill once the target has no shield. I do realize that the weapon is meant for taking down shields, but i shouldn't be shooting someone for 30 seconds to try to kill them. What are your opinions?
I agree with what. You said and i would like to say that the spiker needs to be buffed same with the magnum, Especially the spiker i mean who uses that $hit its just rediculusly bad. Acctually the magnum just a little because its good for no sheild games
Yeah, the spiker definitely needs to be Buffed. Although i think dual wielding was in mind when it was being made. It combos well with a Magnum. If they buffed it, it would be OP when dual wielding.
Assault Rifle should have better accuracy and near medium range, fire a three round burst with spread when you tap the trigger but be fully automatic (with a large accuracy decrease) when held down. No scope added. 6 burst shots to kill. Recoil when in full auto. This would be my idea for a decent starting weapon. Battle Rifle should be 12 round per magazine with a maximum 60 rounds. Single shot, 5 shots to kill. Medium/Near Long Range (to emphasize it as a Sniper counter like it was meant to be.) 3x or 4x scope. Recoil increases the faster you pull the trigger. Magnum should work like the AutoMag from ODST but with a halved maximum ammo capacity and no scope. Spartan Laser should be only used for vehicles. Basically, when an occupied vehicle is in your view, you must keep your targeting reticule (a crosshair the size of the sniper rifle) over a second targeting crosshair, similar to when a Missle Pod is locked on, and charge it while its locked on. Will not fire unless you are locked on. No beeping or anything when vehicle is being locked on. 2x scope. Spiker should be buffed. Effective at close to near medium ranges. Should work as a rifle and not be dual wield able. Seriously, it's a gun that shoots superheated ****ing spikes how the **** does it not rape ****ing everything? All turrets need a slight increase in spread. Gauss turret should be nerfed by either being slower to aim or by any other means.
Im liken this thread and i had a couple new ideas Tripmine: buffed. Its a ****ING lANDMINE it was created to destroy vehicles how the **** dosent it blow a spartans legs off (orr in that matter destroy vehicles) turret: nerfed. I think mounted turrets should stay the same but when ripped off they should do a little less damage.
Wraith should be Buffed Plasma Rifle+Spiker=Perfect Scropion should be Nefed Plasma Rifle Brute Plasma Rifle? Make a Spartan laser Counter?(Covenant, Sentinel?) Katana needs a nerf(Actually usable)
...you are completely changing weapons, not buffing or nerfing them. The two terms basically mean small changes that increase/decrease their abilities. Gauss cannon should have a smaller damage radius, to promote more anti-vehicle activity.
I do believe that it takes 2 rockets, not ten. And if the cockpit is open ,and 1 rocket hits that area, it only takes 1. Where the hell did you get 10 rockets from? My friends and I don't play Halo much anymore, but when we do, it's either racing or having fort wars in the dunes on Sandbox. Walking sucks, so tanks are there a lot. It does not take 10 rockets. It's fine.
I do believe that it takes 2 rockets, not ten. And if the cockpit is open ,and 1 rocket hits that area, it only takes 1. Where the hell did you get 10 rockets from? My friends and I don't play Halo much anymore, but when we do, it's either racing or having fort wars in the dunes on Sandbox. Walking sucks, so tanks are there a lot. It does not take 10 rockets. It's fine.
Nerf the Spartan Laser, probably by bringing back the pre-firing laser beam and the noise, I'M TIRED OF BEING BLOWN AWAY WITHOUT WARNING!!!!! Also Buff the wraith it used to be slow in Halo:CE but it had a lot of armor and was slow and had a lot of firepower, now it has a less powerful though larger shot than the scorpion and it has half the health it used to, and it's still slow. bring back the armor and the ball-of-plasma-death for a main weapon
Spiker - as everyone else already said Magnum - needs to be stronger, I'm thinking an automatic mauler - maybe shorten the range just a tad ghost - needs more firepowa prowler - that thing sucks, buff the baby spikes- wouldn't hurt for larger splash damage AR - Maybe burst radius is a bit large, give some range to it BR - no comment ROFL Beam - Perfect, it's the weapon of gods Flare - that thing fails, anyone who throws it is blind themselves, needs to last longer. It's practically useless
Also, there's another thing I forgot to mention: I personally think the Power Drain should have an added effect. An EMP that will disable your HUD for a short time (similar to the way the EMP works in COD, but you cannot see ANYTHING but your weapon for about 15-20 seconds.) Either that, or remove the Flare and Radar Jammer completely and replace it with an equipment type that will do the previously stated effect but not drain your shields. Also, buff the Trip Mine. At it's current state, it's pathetic.
actually a wraith shots stronger than a scorpian shot and it beats scorpians lots of times and yeah on guardian dual spikers are actually a really strong combo nerf those explosives on snowbound
Spikers would be perfect with just a little more accuracy. Dual wielding them, as previously stated, is amazing in close quarters. It could be so much more versatile if the accuracy was increased just a little bit.
buff spikers buff tripmines buff covenant vehicle movement (Make more smooth like halo 2, halo 3 controls like ****, its all blocky and slow moving) nerf guass cannon Take out spartan laser buff magnum Some of you guys are missing the point. It says buff or nerf not "Make the weapons the exact way you want to" and some of the ideas are a bit ridiculous.
AR/BR, YES!! heck yes. those are great improvements. magnum, yes, but needs to be buffed up in damage a little.. the automag is terrible for shields.