Dating this girl last year and not listening to my true bros. Everyone told me she was a ***** and she was crazy, but i didnt listen, and she ended up making me stop talking to all of them and then she cheated on me 3 times. Once with my friend, once with this random kid she broke up with me for, and last but not least, my own brother.
I was in my truck driving down a pretty steep hill while eating a foot long sandwhich from subway. As I was travelling down this hill, my buddy in the back asked me to move my seat up a bit. It just so happened I was taking a bite from this sandwhich at the precise time I began to pull the lever underneath my seat for it to move forward. What happened next was a chain reaction of Fail. As I pulled the lever for the seat to move forward, it did, it moved forward pretty fast because I failed to realize i was on a hill, As I moved forward in my seat, The full weight of me and my sandwhich came bearing down on my foot- which was hovering above the brake pedal essentially causing me to slam on the brakes which made my seat move forward EVEN faster. Since I wasnt wearing my seatbelt because I was enjoying my sandwhich, I flew forward into the steering wheel/windshield smashing my face and lodging this footlong sandwhich down my throat in one bite. I did not choke to death, but it was very close and I had one hell of a headache afterwards.
I can't really thing of one but this one was when i was playing NRL for my state and got knocked out and i could not remember how to sit in a chair or lie in a bed. it was so hard to do it but i eventually got the hang of doing it again. my friend video taped it wheni tried sitting on a chair and i ended up on my face somehow
In short, made fake beer from water pepper, salt and some weird sauce, offered fake beer to guy, he made me prove it wasn't fake, I was about to hurl, old guy opens a tin as if he wanted me to spit it in there, I spit into the tin. Realizing after that he was offering me a fresh home made biscuit he had made minutes before. I was gutted face :l
I was really good friends with this girl I liked. Didn't go to a dance with her and apparently she didn't understand "bros b4 hoes" Now (a few years later) we actually talk but we can't manage to talk for more than five continuous minutes. God must have a screwed up sense of humor.
Couple years ago, watched my homeroom classmate try to throw a paper ball into a trash can and miss. I jokingly said that she shouldn't join the basketball team. Turns out she's on junior vars. Whoops.
lol time ...OMG OMG WHAT DO I DO... I ALREADY SENT IT. WHAT HAPPENS NEXT? lol, jk, anyway. I tried to call my girlfriend, and typed in an 8 instead of 5... A girl answered, and it turned out, that it sounded just like her, instead it wasn't. And... I said : "Did you want that ***** shaped thing that we got from the fair...?" She said : "What are you talking about?" Me : "Remember? That little stick you get from throwing a ball in a basket " She said : "Who are you" Me : I iz **** (No one shall know my name!) She said : "Ummm... Wrong number then, my name is Emily" I hung up... And thought to myself... I do not know an Emily. At all. ... >.> I called the right number this time, and asked her name.. She said Kerri. I then preceeded to tell her the story, then not remember it I couldn't forget it, and now I tell all of my friends.
Just riding my bike down the street in 7th grade, not doing anything exciting or dangerous. Fall over randomly, break arm badly. Success! Just learning how to snowboard in 8th grade, still riding the bunny hill, not doing anything exciting or dangerous. Fall over randomly, break arm badly. Success! I no longer extend my arms when falling over.
everytime i've ever been too ****ed up to realize that i'm lighting the filter of my final cigarette. :'(
If this was FB, id love this post. I accidentally inhaled from the wrong end of my e cig, pretty damn bad. But not embarrassing.
I don't really have any crazy fails, but my worst moment was probably when I was about 18 months old. My brother (who was 4) was swinging a golf club at some little plastic balls. Being the 1 year old I was, I wanted the ball. So, I bent over, and I guess my brother wasn't paying attention, because he swung the club and caught me right between the eyes. The hit stood me straight up (I was already unconscious) and then straight over backwards. The whole front of my face was torn basically in half so that you could see my skull. My dad yelled for my mom, and she came running around the corner and slipped down a hill we had in our side yard straight onto her pregnant stomach. We all got in the car, and I was conscious for a short time (I still remember my dad dabbing my face with a sweatshirt and lifting it back and just seeing a hell of a lot of blood). I was driven to the emergency room, and the doctors said that I could very possibly die if they didn't act quick, and that it was about 95% that I would never be able to see out of my right eye again (the hit was actually almost right on my right eye, but still in the middle). Needless to say, I am alive, and, luckily, I can still see perfectly out of my right eye. However, to close the wound, they had to put in 3 layers of stitches, and the doctor refused to tell my parents just how many stitches there were in my face. But he did say that there was over 100. The doctor's said if the hit had been only 1/16-1/8 inch closer to my right eye, I would have most likely died on the spot. Oh, and my little sister was fine too.
You can remember what happened to you when you were 1? I honestly can't remember many fail moments of my life. I'd probably have to say when I managed to do a somersault with my bike and it landing on top of me. Funny thing is that I didn't do anything to make it flip. Oh and I ran into my dad on said bike on Christmas day because I didn't know I had to use the brakes. I was only six, or seven.