What video game really touched you?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Grif, Mar 21, 2009.

  1. Lord Terrax XII

    Lord Terrax XII Ancient
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    Call of Duty 4 because it's just epic as ****...

    Bioshock because the plot was just superb.

    Lost Odyssey because after going through every memory it really is a great story and was worth the stressful gameplay.
  2. abandoned heretic

    Senior Member

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    final fantasy games
    lost oddysey
    the world ends with you
  3. Frito Bandito 7

    Frito Bandito 7 Ancient
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    ha to Nitro but as for me id have to say that Halo 2 changed me in a certain way. I spent many a night immitating drawings from halo 2 and going over the events of the game and i can honestly say i spent atleast 500 hours playing with my friend in the campaign rofl
  4. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    Spderman 2... BEST spiderman game ever. If you play it, you'll realize why. One of the best city free roaming based games to date. Every other spiderman game should be like this but end up failing. Of course I was like 10 I think when I played Spiderman 2.. but still, jumping around, swinging, the many glitches, I would replay this game over and over.
    #64 Rifte, Jun 20, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2009
  5. Mischgasm

    Mischgasm Ancient
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    #65 Mischgasm, Jun 20, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2009
  6. Kagemusha

    Kagemusha Ancient
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    The game that truly touched my heart the most would be Final Fantasy III. Epic storyline, and a certain type of gameplay that I have cherish till this very day. Screw FFVII.

    Also Mystical Ninja Staring Goemon was my favorite platforming game during my childhood. Very unique experience, must I say.
  7. HLG FlashPoint

    HLG FlashPoint Ancient
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    Resident Evil 5 actually sucks horribly i wouldnt recommend it.

    Definately the the best game I have ever played along with Fallout. The game gave me shivers when I was fighting in sewers or fighting in the Kvatch war.

    Fallout 3:
    My favorite game ever. It has excellent campaign, an awesome level system, and much more. My favorite game I have played with Oblivion.
  8. redearth

    redearth Ancient
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    CoD WaW. The final battle just made me feel empowered for some reason. And the end of Halo 3 too. Poor chief.
  9. Shihuru

    Shihuru Ancient
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    Dude, just listening and watching the main menu screen in the kingdom hearts games gives me an orgasm!

    I love that game so much! Everything about it makes me feel so...so tranquil. I practically smile non-stop while playing it... (0_o)

    Kingdom hearts is hands down the best video game series out there! I don't care, I like it more than Halo, Fable, Mass Effect (ME was a great game by the way...), COD!
    #69 Shihuru, Jun 24, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2009
  10. Dow

    Dow Ancient
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    Agreed. Kingdom Hearts is my favorite all time game hands down. When the sequel comes on the PS3 or the Wii, or whatever, I will most likely buy whatever system it is on.

    Also, most of the FF games I have played were very emotionally engaging. FF 12 as well as FF Advance tactics were both great games.

    Can't say I liked the one with Vincent that was a third person shooter though. (Some knock off of FF7)
  11. Randle Scandal

    Randle Scandal Ancient
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    My gaming experience all started with the Gameboy pocket. It was lime-green and you transparent :). And how amazing it was at that time, a hand held system you could keep in your pocket.

    But of course, systems are nothing without the games, and that's where I picked up my first game, Pokemon Red.

    Of course, at that age the only reason I decided to get it was the picture of the dragon on the front :p. Keep in mind this is long before the pokemon craze, I believe this is just as pokemon red and blue were released in the states. I played the hell out of that game, I loved every aspect, from raising pokemon, to battling, to the adventure aspect. After yellow was released, I got the strategy guide for all the games (It was a lump strategy guide, containing strategy for all 3 games)

    Now I went years after that, from getting my first system playstation, to purchasing a playstation 2, nothing was really standing out through systems, but there was a computer game, that really opened my eyes to my favorite game company of all time. The game was Neverwinter Nights.

    I was at my cousins house, and he showed me this wonderful game, and I instantly fell in love. From now on, I was an RPG fan. Although it lacked graphically, it exceeded in gameplay. From the D&D base, it was a very well put together, and one of Bioware's earliest titles. I've put at least 250 hours into that game through various characters.

    Then I got my 360, and through a suggestion that my friend gave me, I purchased The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblvion.

    Unfamiliar to the Elder Scrolls series, I did not know what to expect, and that's probably what made the game so much more amazing. Immersed in this beautiful designed world, I explore the forests, mountains, caves, everything that was put in front of me by Bethesda. I have checked one of my save files, my original character, it says that I have spent over 270 hours in the game, at least on that one character, and I have numerous characters. (Oh and my 270 hour character is a level 44, no joke, for people that have played, you realize how difficult that is. At this point I need to just max out my Marksman and I'll be done (It's an 80 something, I cannot recall.)

    So then, with already my love for Bioware with both the KotOR games, and Jade Empire, of course I was anxious for the game Mass Effect to arrive. And boy, did I love it. Bioware's masterpiece in my opinion.

    So graphically amazing, and for non-shooter fans, the combat system was very easy. As well, it was one of the few games where I felt sadness in the game, where I could see the characters. Bioware makes them seem like real people, which is amazing. Now with Mass Effect 2 coming out, I can only imagine how Bioware could make the game any better than it was. The combat system was beautifully designed, and was really clever with giving a last name to the character, allowing for full dialougue to be expressed without just hearing "You" when being referred to.

    So of course I wait for another year and Bioware had a project going, that would once again show dominance in the RPG field (behind bioware of course :p). Already a big fan of Bethesda I of course got the Limited Edition of Fallout 3, complete with bobblehead and lunchbox :D.

    this game is revolutionary. And it greatly allows for people that hated RPG's to start wandering into it's territory. Seemingly a FPS, you can play the whole game with guns-a-blazing. Or you can use V.A.T.S which is ingenious, because it provides the link to RPG gamers, who, and let's be honest, suck at FPS's. The skill system is just as good as Elder Scrolls, and the experience level up does make it easier to level up. Not to mention it's beautiful destroyed scenery. Everything seems to fit nicely, every destroyed highway, every naked tree, every cliff, all of it screams post-apocalyptic.

    Well those were the few games that have touched me, of course most are 360, but that's because through graphics and gameplay, they do exceed above previous generations of gaming.
  12. supertoaster

    supertoaster Ancient
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    i love battletoads with all my might
  13. Plan B

    Plan B Ancient
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    I had that feeling when i watched the Legendary ending for Halo 3.

    Ive felt it before just cant remember what game ATM.
  14. RightSideTheory

    RightSideTheory Legendary
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    Michael Jackson's Moonwalker touched me.
    #74 RightSideTheory, Jun 27, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2009
  15. abandoned heretic

    Senior Member

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    Agreed I already reserved and completely paid for the new ds one and got a psp for when the psp one is released, i did'nt like the first one though just cause of the map design was so bad.
  16. halo kid

    halo kid Ancient
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    I played MGS4 with a cosien once,That is a touching game.
  17. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    Halo 3

    Sad to say that it's the last in such an epic and successful trilogy. The last scene really made everyone including me in confusion as to whether MC is dead or not.

    The whole game itself is already inspiring.
  18. halodude114537

    halodude114537 Ancient
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    Fallout 3, definitely. It is such an interactive, living, breathing game. it isn't just another run and gun shooter, or racing sim. And Mirror's Edge was pretty great too.
  19. Zachary9990

    Zachary9990 Ancient
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    Most people probably wont know this, but before starcraft and WOW and all that crap, there was Warcraft II: Battlenet Edition. It was a RTS on the PC. I was hooked on the game at like 6 years old. Here's what it looked like.
  20. laxman91

    laxman91 Ancient
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    Dino Crisis 2, one of my all time favorite ps1 games. at first when you here the name you think "naaa, really?" But really the story throughout the game was great, especially at the end. The game left many curious questions and thoughts when I beat it.
    #80 laxman91, Jul 8, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2009

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