I pre-ordered the normal version. I don't have any desire to get a statue or special armor. It just doesn't seem like fun to me.
I dont think their that limited because of the statues. I wouldnt be suprised if their some type of fake knowing bungies history of "legendary"
wait a minute, more people are spending like 100 extra dollars to get a burning head virtual alien clothes and plastic dolls that represent virtual people than people who are just getting the game? i gotta get in the videogame business.
I'm just getting the normal version, it's all I really want. I just don't want or need any of that fancy-schmancy extra stuff.
Limited Edition CONSOLE. Surprised that you didn't say vote or die. Gamestop.com - Buy Xbox 360 Limited Edition Halo: Reach Console - Xbox 360
if anything i would get the console, cause it is something i use and it looks badass. but i cant afford a new xbox right now, and if i could i would just get a nice cheap arcade.
Well, today I pre-ordered the Halo: Reach Xbox, so I'm getting the regular edition for sure. That shot was expensive as hell.