What type of player are you?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Y35 <3, May 12, 2008.

  1. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    Original post:HERE


    Are you the:

    Crazy Rusher; You know no fear and feel no remorse as you charge a room with the sole intent on taking out the man with the biggest weapon.

    Cool Sniper; You wait in the most obscure places with the weapons with the longest barrels, waiting for the chance to eagle strike the opposing team into the next dimension.

    Kill Fodder; You just enjoy setting up the kill and getting the assist.

    Power Hoarder; Often known to breathe into the mike over and over the name of the power weapon he is currently hunting.

    Social Speaker; You are in it for the motivational speeches and the relationship conversations. (Also known to evolve into Kill Fodder in ranked matches)

    Comic relief; No matter what happens, you are the team clown.

    Rough Rider; You are drawn to vehicles and will begin to scream if someone else drives your "puppy".

    Drunken gamer; You always play better halo and golf when your drunk. "Can take on any form of previous gamer types, depending on type of liqour."

    Narcotics violator; Cant stop talking and running from the other team who you continuously call the "cops".

    Involved player; A mix of the social speaker and kill fodder, doesn't care who gets the kill as long as someone on his team picks the guy off. Is also fond of speaking about strategies and calling people out.

    Demolition man; Stockpiles explosive material and ammo and then blows himself and two of his teammates along with the entire other team to hell.

    Eye in the Sky; Obsessed with calling out the respawns of weapons and men, known to count out how long it takes for the overshield to spawn.

    Fanatic; Known to run into the other team and scream expletives then retreat into the safety of his own teammates position. Leaving the opposition to die a horrible and putrid death.

    Positive mongerer; Must go positive at all costs. Known to betray teammates for stronger weapons to insure positive K/D. (Cool snipers are known to have fits of positive mongering.)

    Easy going guy; Just give him a gun and watch the magic. Doesn't descriminate against weapons.

    Desperate man; Allows his teammates to use and exploit him in order to get a kill. Known to let his sentences on how he died to sputter out.

    Martyr; Runs into a group of enemies then throws a sticky grenade at the ground. (Evolution of Desperate man)

    General Soldier: You stick with Human weapons and pickup the BR whenever you see it and NEVER pickup alien weapons.

    The Clueless Noob- He calls out the opposites teams colors before the game begins, such as "Kill Blue!" Then proceeds to terminate as many as possible with no game plan, team work or favorite weapon.

    Absolute Nub; YOU JUST SUCK!

    The Architect; You must learn every aspect of every map in order to achieve maximum enlightment. Known to spend 2/3 of the game doing so however. (Might evolve into cool sniper eventually)

    The Last Spartan; Will do whatever it takes to make sure that every death of his is epic in some way.

    Serial killer; You are a genius in your own right, you know everyway in the game to murder somebody, you are constantly calculating your next move.

    The Oppressor; You believe that the only talk should be about the game, every action about the game, you live for the game. You tell everyone who crosses you to drop dead. (Mortal enemy of the Social Speaker.)

    Camper; Stay hidden with your power weapon and hope for the best. Bubble shields are also helpful.

    Girlscout- You camp in plain view with a hidden weapon, when the unsuspecting people walk by you, you jump and waylay their advance with talk of cookies, I mean shotgun shots.

    The Great Memorizer- You know where the opposition spawns and where the weapons are, now all you have to do is geat your hands on a BR. (Known to become Eye in the Sky)

    Assassin; You attempt to get as many kills by melee or your trusted sword. Strategy is a must.

    The Absolute Annihilator- You are driven by an unknown force to get every weapon of mass destruction and then you refuse to fire unless you get a double kill.

    The Rager; You scream and throw various materials at your wall when killed from an unknown angle. (Possible easy going guy evolution)

    Crappy Collecter; someone who collects all the best weapons then dies because they cant use them properly.

    The Moviegoer; Eliminates enemy threats then drops cheesy one-liners from common movies. Known to teabag and tough talk dead bodies.

    The Female; If you need an explanation, then god help you.

    The Passenger; You think its cool looking to ride shotgun in your budy's Warthog, you bail when you see the laser reticule.

    The Fade Away; Continously tell your teammates you have their back, but leave them almost instantly. (Also enemy of Kill fodder) Has been seen as the worst teammate to have, only seconded by the Absolute Nub. Responsible for many teambreaking fights.

    The Regis Philbin- You ask a ton of totally useless questions such as why it is blue vs. red. You only yield to ask why you are losing and how to do something. (Known to annoy the hell out of the serial killer and cool sniper)

    The Dictator; You insist that you are the best of the best when you actually are defeated quite often. You also insit than everyone call you by your rank. (Another kill fodder enemy.)

    The Blind soldier- You fire round after round at the enemy but never hit anything, you then charge out into the open to finish the guy you think you hurt, but eat accelerated metal instead.

    The Spiky Head- You have all the achievements and are fully decked out in Hayabusa armor. You hate all noobs and cant stand the Kill fodders or social speakers. You are infused with the ancient will of the samurai, until you meet someone who is decent. (Known to play with The Opressor)

    The Recon Scout; You go into a game looking for ways to impress Bungie in order to get the famed armor. You ask everyone on your team how to get recon armor and if they can help you. You fail miserably.

    Jack of All Trades-Always on the front lines and can use any weapon to do the job. Usually focusing on the BR but will pick up anything for that 2nd slot to gain an edge.

    The Iron Man- You take it upon yourself to be the reason your team wins the battle, you are a one man army. All your team needs to do is call the enemy out.

    The Puppet Master- You are a master of manipulation and you use your teammates in various ways to make sure you get the kill and become the hero. (Known to easily exploit the Desperate Man)

    The Swiffer Duster- You have a proven strategy that you re-use all the time. You find it funny to watch each new team fall to your crazed antics. (Cool snipers tend to roll with these people)

    Scout - Uses medium ranged weapons to assist teammates and take kills when that guy rushes to your base. In objective games, the Scout usually defends and will occasionally move up to the frontline.

    Damn Good One- This man is Damn good and brags about it constantly. (This is more of a genre than a type)

    Special Operative-You sneak behind the enemy while your team rushes in and distracts them. Then you come from behind, when they retreat, you are already there waiting there for them. (The unskilled Special Operatives are known as Campers or Girlscouts.)

    The Earl of Sandwich- You aren't the greatest leader or killer around but you dont take no crap from nobody. (Social Speaker's bodyguard)

    The Scientist- Your twisted experiments have spawned a new breed of player. A shape shifter who tries EVERYTHING.

    The Warhawk- You specalize in blowing the crap out of vehicles with whatever very explosive weapon you can lay your grease stained armored hands on.

    Your own player- Whatever the hell kind of catagory you think your in.

    Please let me know of any types I missed and I will add them.
  2. Chong

    Chong Ancient
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    I feel i'm sort of the negrodamus of the team
  3. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    Overswarm made a much cooler version of this. It analogues the different players as animals. I'm an Amoeba. Scweet.
  4. NotACoolPlace

    NotACoolPlace Ancient
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    What type of player are you? The Great Memorizer

    The Great Memorizer-

    You know where the opposition spawns and where the weapons are, now all you have to do is geat your hands on a BR.
  5. Chong

    Chong Ancient
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    really, i feel like the team player but i still get pissed whne i get ksd, but thats why I dont plug in my mic
  6. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    nemi could you link it?
    i just got this heated topic off of bungie,
  7. boxy2142

    boxy2142 Ancient
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    I'm a Cool Sniper, Assassin, and Serial Killer all at the same time! =]
  8. Citizyn Raven

    Citizyn Raven Ancient

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    Comic relief; No matter what happens, you are the team clown.

    Demolition man; Stockpiles explosive material and ammo and then blows himself and two of his teammates along with the entire other team to hell.

    Martyr; Runs into a group of enemies then throws a sticky grenade at the ground. (Evolution of Desperate man)

    The Last Spartan; Will do whatever it takes to make sure that every death of his is epic in some way.

    Serial killer; You are a genius in your own right, you know everyway in the game to murder somebody, you are constantly calculating your next move.

    Assassin; You attempt to get as many kills by melee or your trusted sword. Strategy is a must.

    The Iron Man- You take it upon yourself to be the reason your team wins the battle, you are a one man army. All your team needs to do is call the enemy out.

    Special Operative-You sneak behind the enemy while your team rushes in and distracts them. Then you come from behind, when they retreat, you are already there waiting there for them. (The unskilled Special Operatives are known as Campers or Girlscouts.)

    The Scientist- Your twisted experiments have spawned a new breed of player. A shape shifter who tries EVERYTHING.

    I'm pretty much a combination of these types. Mostly the Matyr, Serial Killer, and Assassin. I'm a pretty much the most like the Matyr
  9. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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  10. Juggernaut

    Juggernaut Ancient
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    Amazingly, I'm a bit of everything at some times. Although I can say that I am a good Sniper, Rusher/Front Liner, Explosive Expert (grenades), Stealthy, and I'm good at staying back at times and picking people off. I believe that the traits come with the weapons, depends on what I'm holding at the time.
  11. PandaMan

    PandaMan Ancient
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    Jack of All Trades proabably.
  12. toonshorty

    toonshorty Ancient
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    I am "The Absolute Annihilator"

    I get rockets on narrows and only fire if theres a double kill or above involved! well, unless I really have to I just fire for a single kill
  13. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    Damn there are heaps I couldnt read all of them.
    But Im a mixture of some of them, I here sniper fire, I say look out they have the sniper.
    I know the respawn time for most power weapons and powerups in each map.
    I'm okay with most weapons.
    I am a team player, but I do get frustrated when someone takes my shotgun or oversheild when I specifically say, going for the shotty/oversheild when we spawn. But I wont betray for it
  14. E93

    E93 Guest

    I do not feel like reading all those things.

    Why do you keep b.net-ing FHub?!?!?!
  15. HITtheLIGHTZ

    HITtheLIGHTZ Ancient
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    Involved player, but occasionally a highlight *****:D

    Highlight *****: (someone who will pick up the sniper or stickies for the sole purpose of trying to get ridiculous no-scopes and multikills to put on their fileshare).
  16. super trooper88

    super trooper88 Ancient
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    ^ Lightz has his own class: The Jesus Grenadier. You and your surprisingly perfect nades...

    I am definitely The Iron Man. Lol, but I'm also an Involved Player and The Great Memorizer.
    #16 super trooper88, May 14, 2008
    Last edited: May 14, 2008
  17. Supernaut

    Supernaut Ancient
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    I like think of my self as my own class, The Supernaut(super warrior; translated) I help my team above all but it doesn't mean I don't carry them on my back ending many a swat rounds with 20 something kills. I like to help my team as a whole and will often give them the power weapon instead.
  18. spacemarine

    spacemarine Ancient
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    I am a Jack of All Trades (gotta love that BR), a Scout, and an occasional Iron Man.
  19. Knight Kninja

    Knight Kninja Ancient
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    im definetly the scout. and the scientist. and then theres always the necrofeliact (which i am not) or T-bagger who runs around with the shotgun. you missed that

    EDIT: highlight ***** is definetly me as well. i was looking for that actually lol
  20. iahamp240

    iahamp240 Ancient
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    Scout - Uses medium ranged weapons to assist teammates and take kills when that guy rushes to your base. In objective games, the Scout usually defends and will occasionally move up to the frontline.

    Jack of All Trades-Always on the front lines and can use any weapon to do the job. Usually focusing on the BR but will pick up anything for that 2nd slot to gain an edge.

    Involved player; A mix of the social speaker and kill fodder, doesn't care who gets the kill as long as someone on his team picks the guy off. Is also fond of speaking about strategies and calling people out.

    The Great Memorizer- You know where the opposition spawns and where the weapons are, now all you have to do is geat your hands on a BR. (Known to become Eye in the Sky)

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