I'm making a mansion that has high ceilings and therefore requires lots of wall space. I've already used all of my walls and doors category, and most of my building blocks and I still need to create the basement, which is going to span most of the space the mansion does, and the garden. So what should I use as walls when there are no more building blocks or wall pieces?
Ramps at the right angles make good walls, and so do decorations. Look through and see what best fits your map.
yes, ramps, inclines, bridges platforms al make good walls when spun round to the right angle! there is a peice in decorative items called something like large brace or something which is really usefull when your running low on the other items
Hmmm try platform y. P.s that must be a huge f@&$ing mansion if it used most of your building blocks.
I found that a good way to save objects is to use the odd ones in decorative so one complicated object can replace many uncomplicated objects. This also has the advantage of improved aesthectic past that of simple blocks. Things like the large walkway and walkway cover can take the place of many pieces if used correctly. The bottom side of bridges should make a surface flat enough to use as walls or a floor.
Thanks, its called Mansion Mk VII (unless anyone could help me come up with a better name) and its going to be entered into forgetacular.
Be smart with object placement. Replace 2 or more objects with 1 larger object if possible. Otherwise look in the decoration and incline sections. I have been co- forging a map and we have run out of most objects, but every time something needs to be filled in we just shout out 'INCLINES' and use them.
Yeah but...the problem with decorations is that they cost a lot of money. For a small tiny object like a "Column" costs you $50. Its really retarded really. I hate the fact that objects have a money value. It should 100% purely be DATA values. Its something I hope they adjust or change but they most likely will not. 1x2 shallow and 2x2 steep inclines are really good 'angeled' walls. Also inclined bridges set on the horizontal axis make really good barrier walls for bases.