this not meant to showoff photoshop skills but how easy it would have been to make the psp have 2 sticks what are your thoughts on Sonys fail?
Well, I personally cannot think of a reason why there aren't 2 analog sticks, and I discussed this earlier with my friend. Instinct says that games released before the PSP Go would not be able to take advantage of a second analog stick. It can also be a compatability issue, that if the PSP Go should feature duel analog, that for whatever reason that would make it so previous PSP games would not be compatible. Which goes back to "why not have a second analog since the start?" To which I can only logically determine, is the fact that they could not "fit" it into the original PSP at that time. However, I am sure people would gladly take a larger PSP for 2 analog sticks. Beyond that, I just can't think of why they don't have a second.
it cant be a compatibility issue because you cant play original PSP games on the go, because there is no UMD drive
On the real PSP go i dont like the oval shape it looks retarded. If it was a rectangular shape itd look better.