Poll Results: What sensitivity do you play Halo 3 with?
Members who voted for '4'
- Killer678
- Shock Theta
- DrawingMan
- Grif
- Penguinish
- chromebandit
- Mr Pokephile
- Awkward Silence
- the other dark
- Elite1111111111
- ElementNineteen
- T3hFox
- Alec944
- Iv0rY Snak3
- elvins97
- deadshot
- Apollo Creed 01
- Meeky
- Pennywiez
- Yum_Toast
- X Jado X
- Shad0w Viper
- J A Y
- Psycho
- Loscocco
- Hoff
- Adelyss
- redearth
- Phoenix619
- Xaybiance
- Aesthetic Forger
- Prima
- AItius
- Oo iRoNy oO
- TiiRent
- Shad
- Khala Warrior55
- o1000LioNs
- jorgecb565
- Urban Myth
- Kronos398
- Rogue Shadow IV
- theheat
- Midnite Haze
- Something.
- padres1944
- ImWithStupid
- ForgeGod117
- ewren3
- Palkia
- porkstein
- OMG Its Storm
- InflatedBuxom
- JAC Overlord
- uF HaVoK
- RightSideTheory
- yahtzee414
- Hobo Wrath 69
- Manoukian1414
- Zanitor
- CyraxZ
- Crushric
- Vinyl Hippo
- The Demons Den
- Kilr0n
- R0FLninja
- Tru7h
- Dude2133
- chung_wii
- TheRayzerTag
- VictoryK
- timmay1715
- Mischgasm
- MovieGame
- golfer90210
- Communism iz ftw
- Foxx15
- AlbinoFruitcake
- natu
- Pluvialis Aquila
- Glasgow
- Jordenkotor
- Vandal
- jameslieb1
- kill4overkill
- shallowBay11
- jacster9
- master kief
- Enter Bandman
- muttonhead688
- Physx
- schleb
- ape man 117
- T3h Kaboose
- phd lolz
- xDarklingx
- hockey kid matt
- FuriousFilly720
- Nobel
- Imnickjames13
- menotyou135
- Noxiw
- RofLoLmaOmg NP
- mirhart
- Roflman117
- Ultrainium
- TehRandomBoi
- x8xMOODYx8x
- MeanM4rine
- Rorak Kuroda
- KsqueaK
- davidc95
- Farbeef
- Foyoman
- HoboMarine
- WaxyPumpkin72
- mefire66
- caniblcake
- Charging Bumble B
- WhichTeamIsMine
- Vantier Raleigh
- RodziR
- Dinosaur Drugs
- rapture s77
- Carter1234
- lllROCKlll
132 total votes.