10 because i like spinning around really fast and also if someshoots behind you you can just turn around and own them
I usually hang around at 4, then sometimes switch up to 5. I formerly played on 9-10 but moved down due to shots being much harder to place
10, because its best for my CQB and taking on vehicles style of game play.(and its easier on the joysticks.) Anyone who thinks that's to fast play 10 on MW2 then play halo feels slow.
i use sensitivity 10 definitely. it makes me feel like a sadistic anxious crack head, but i guess i am if i can keep up with 10. in fact, i think i would be able to keep up with 12 if they had it. :ninja: Good vs. Evil
I probably voted something like 5 before, but now I'm on seven which seems just perfect for me. Just the right level of movement without being hypersensitive.
I use 5. It's high enough for one of those 'there's a guy in front of and behind you' moments, yet low enough for me to control.
i played on 8 for the longest time...but i got used to it n i played on 10 to challenge myself n know i jus think its to slow..but MW2 10 sensitivity is a different story
I tend to play on 7 because its just is easy for me to use. I use the sniper alot and i handle it fine