I use 3. I had 7 for a while, then a friend switched it to 1 as a joke. I got used to that but decided it was too slow. Now i stick with 3. It's not twitchy and still very accurate.
I use 3, which is perfect for my usage, just whatever I can get. I used medium-high for a while believing it was better, then I played CoD4 which DOES NOT need high. I don't understand the insanely high sensitivity.
Was default, then used 4 for a while. Then I heard somewhere on these forums that 1 gives you so much control that you can practically never miss. So I've played with that ever since. Lately, I've gone up to 2, occasionally 3. But I still change with certain playlists, eg. Swords, Snipers, Swat, Rockets and the like. But I also change my control scheme a lot, based on the game. This took ages to get used to, playing with different controls every so often. Boxer for swords, Bumper jumper for MLG snipers and SWAT, and most games, and default for BTB and squad battles. So yeah, I'm pretty compatible now.
I tend to use 8 on social, but go down to 6 or 5 for more competitive games (MLG) and use 7 for snipers. im just weird like that.
Gotta be 10 for me. Good for those flashy 540 ninja kills when your with your mates on a custom game, and brilliant for sniping, but then again thats me and all i do is play Halo 3
Gotta stick with 2 sensitivity, i seriously doubt that some of you play on 10, thats literally out of control! But if you do play on 10, and think you're good, we can put that to the test. I think lower sensitivities allow steadier br's which is by far my weapon of choice so it makes sense. If you really want to step up your game, look into buying some KontrolFreeks to ramp up your sensitivity even more.
I gotta agree with you. I have that sort of twitch when you see an enemy. Most of a time, I'll twitch my aim really quick toward the enemy and back when I played on 5, It was a major issue. Playing on a lower sensitivity makes me feel more in control and at ease knowing I can jerk the stick a lot but still keep a roughly steady aim.
I use 2, i can't aim very well and usually are willing to sacrifice a bit of turning speed for better shots.
I don't get how you guys can stand it on 2. Turning speed was always an issue for me, I play on a default 4. And if I ever go into swat, 6. I guess it depends on how twitchy you are.
I tend to play on 6 all the time, I basicly never change it. But the thing is, I never find difference in the sensitivity anyways so.........
Two FTW. After playing ODST for the first time, I found that the look sensitivity was much better than that of Halo 3. When I switched back to Halo 3, I found that 3 was too fast, so I switched down to two.
Right now I play at 4 or 5. Ive played on a sensitivity from 2 to 8 at some point. 8 was too fast anyway
I have always played on 3. I tried 10 for fun a while ago in matchmmaking I got 2 kills in big team battle