Depends on who I am playing with and how I am feeling that day, most of the time main slayer / support. I have my own little playstyle where I can rack up kills and assists every game. I'll go objective if there are enough guys down and I feel like its worth it at the time.
My abillity to kill with the flag faster than most people can one-two with a mauler leaves me as an objective kinda guy. In Slayer, I become more of a main slayer. My skills with frags and the carbine make me a great asset for cleaing rooms. Also, has anyone ever had a flag that you weren't dribbling and the other team couldn't find youi if their lives depended on it? I have.
support. i always give call outs and lay as many shots to weaken and clean up. i tend to get assist. woot(sadely i never knew about this thread...)
I do objective every now and then but I'm mainly the main slayer. There seems to be something more attractive about K/D than objective points.
I guess I would be support mostly because I talk a lot on my teams and mostly get a most (if not all) assists, haha.
Ninja? I usually am the objective guy - I played a game once of CTF, the rest of my team and the whole other team were just fighting it out like a bloody Team Slayer match and I just scored that flag one after the other.
I always prefer Objective. But sometimes i do not like Objective so at that time i have to change it. But i like to imagine I play Objective decently well.
Objective, but it changes a lot based on the skill level of my team. If they are good, i go Objective, if they are halfway decent i go Objective & Support, and if they are totaly bk's then ill just go all Walshy on their ass and do everything. Objective When i am playing with a team that is actually good (which is unfortunatly rare.) This is my favorite position of all, and i am damn good at it, but most of the time i am forced into another role to support my team weaknesses. Support On a good team I do this when ever im not playing objective, because in TS its very similar the the objective player; support the team, save peoples lives, and do whatever it takes to get the other team dead and to get your team more kills. But it comes after objective. Main Slayer Often i am stuck playing with people who are less than decent, and i am forced to take upon myself this role. And usually when they are bad enough that i am actually trying to pull this rank, i end up doing the other two jobs myself Basically i destroy some noobs, put three shots into one guy and let my other three teamates chase him away to try to get the kill, and while they are doing that i take the flag back for the Cap lol.
Yeah you just summed up what I was going to say for the most part. But, even though I voted slayer before even thinking (U.S.A citizen who voted for Bush moment lol), primarily I'm a support player. I love racking up kills but at the same time help my team out. If feels a lot better when you win as a team, opposite to when you carry by yourself, or get on somebody else's backpack.
Mostly support, I tend to be a wheelman in big team (which is what i play most). in objective, wheelman only more so. I love a game where I get 0 kills and spend the whole time ferrying flag carriers back and forth. seriously, i love that
depeneds on a few things. - who im playing with i.e clan, randoms - map - gametype so i would probably say im mixed
I'm a BR and snipes guy. I'm usually a main slayer with MY team. Although, overall I'm the support player.
In Team SWAT, I'm a Main Slayer. I tend to be more of a support player in CTF or Assault (I drive the warthog around with a gunner), Main Slayer in Infection (duh), Objective/Main Slayer in KotH and Territories (I kill more than I capture territories, and in KotH I stand in the hill while killing people), I'm support when defending the VIP (helps the VIP get somewhere) and is the Objective guy when I am the VIP (when there's goal points, if there isn't I'm just defending myself). Team Slayer, I'm support and Main Slayer at the same time. When I get the chance, I'll follow a teammate around and help him, but if they're all away from me, I just go for the kills.
I will say "mixed". I have never agreed with "roles" in MLG, any player should be able to do anything at any given time. This is why Final Boss were so good at H2, and why Str8 and tD did so well in H3.