I know a original design I want to do then some of my maps from reach, then I'm going to do a re-imagination of pit and guardian from halo 3 to make them play well for 4.
I really want to channel some ideas and re-imagine Endeavor. Probably on Erosion or Ravine. Most likely Ravine. That should pave the way to learn more about this new game.
That sounds like a list of ex-girlfriends, or strippers.. I probably will keep on forging 1v1 maps. I'm curious to see what new pieces and environments I can put into the maps I forge.
I'll probably try to complete one or more of my numerous incomplete maps out of my treasury of ****. That or a tube/hamster tunnel maze/slayer map.
I have an idea for an infection map, henceforth dubbed "Vulture", if I can ever talk LD into a zombie-fueled co-forge.
When I watched a few of the forge maps, I noticed a part of Erosion that could be used for a future map if I can get down there.
I'm going to get ballsy and make a full-on remake of one of my favorite former Halo maps. I want to try something new for me, and re-creating something I know well will help me become more familiar with the tools I'm using.
I've changed my mind. I am going to remake Forge World in Halo 4. It will all fit into the grifball court on Erosion. Anyone have rough dimensions for the water area on Erosion? It looks like it has potential, but the backgrounds in the vids can be misleading..
I am starting with remakes, most notably my map antagonist (since I never released it in Reach). I just want to remake a bunch of maps first so I can get a feel for forge and it'll help me judge how great the pallet really is.
I have a BTB map (will be my first on the site) that i have sketches for, and there is a slayer map i want to make. But I'm probably gonna end up making the slayer map first in reach because i have a C- in honors English so nooooooo I'm not allowed to get Halo4. some times my parents just... ugh
I'll probably remake Syphon, the map that I adopted from Eightball a few months ago and never got around to posting. I might also remake another map that I was working on towards the end of Halo 3 just to get a feel for the new settings and changes.
I have a map design I've made (and tested) in reach which I'm going to try and emulate in Halo 4. Doing a remake first should give me the chance to get used to the forging system and whatnot, at least in my opinion.
Sustenance Remake. One BTB map, and one Race map as well. After them, I'll make a linear infection. All of them, gonna be awesome. PS: I'll make a entire map based in the new "Extraction" Gametype too.
Gonna forge Serum first. Gonna save Crypt, Memento and Midtown for a "Reach Map Pack" down the road. Also, still working on a Guardian inspired map, so that will come after Serum. Definitely looking forward to Antagonist. The aesthetics were bland (I assumed that it was still in it's beta stage), but the design was great. What canvas were you looking at forging it on?