What Map Ideas Do You Have For Reach?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Spawn of Saltine, Jul 23, 2010.


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  1. TheGreatHibiki

    TheGreatHibiki Ancient
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    I will be remaking my Yamato Vs Enterprise (see v1&2 in my signature) map... however I MAY end up being one ship per map. A full scale ship on each (given the lagoon doesn't look big enough for two of them I hope the ocean beyond the island is playable to enough a degree that I can put it/them there) that could be used for one side objective battles. I already have half the yamato planned out from the object list screenshot.

    I hope the doors I saw in the photo are functional because a ship you board, infiltrate, steal/bomb could be amazingly fun. I have 80% of the thing already planned out and it will be amazing if I can do just HALF of it. I cannot wait.
  2. CjayS42

    CjayS42 Forerunner

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    Well that's great news!
    It'll probably be the gamtype i make then, but it probably won't be the same as the real stell in the end. Maybe i'll just make a map based off it, instead of a direct remake
  3. IH8YourGamerTag

    IH8YourGamerTag Forerunner

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    Myself, I want to make a hugely long 8 player warthog race. It looks like there are a lot of perilous cliffs that would be perfect... and i read you can now make teleporters for vehicles to go through, which changes racetrack design immensely... I can use little bits of land that i like, and if they end I don't HAVE to build a bridge out of there. I'm betting there will be a lot of very LONG race maps. I know most people prefer mongoose races, I just think warthogs require a bit more skill to not roll them over.
  4. E inglourious 3

    E inglourious 3 Ancient
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    I know I will be using the canvas scenery given to us to do something cool. Right now I am focusing on multi-level designs using death barriers, water, and many lifts, maybe even banshees. Who knows? I have to get my hands on it first.

    At first I thought "I am going to make the longest mongoose race in history!" but i think there are way more creative things to do.

    Does anyone know if you can have multiple death barriers on the same map? Or have them spawn at certain times?
    #164 E inglourious 3, Jul 30, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2010
  5. Paranoia UK

    Paranoia UK Ancient
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    I think it would be stupid if you couldnt! in fact im sure you can, On cage there is one visible at the bottom but there will surely be one at the side otherways you could jetpack over to the main land mass and snipe from there.
  6. I use Javelins

    I use Javelins Forerunner

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    I'll probably get to know forge by remaking classic counter strike maps starting with iceworld and scoutsknives (jetpack team snipers/swords anyone?)
  7. IH8YourGamerTag

    IH8YourGamerTag Forerunner

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    oh also, a maze with many booby traps
  8. Gouunta

    Gouunta Forerunner

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    As soon as i get my hands on reach im gona make a huge team slayer map theirs gona be warthogs banshees and alota good stuff maby even booby traps or something
  9. siberian w0lf

    siberian w0lf Ancient
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    For me it seems that using more then one area of forgeworld in one map is a bad idea. There's just a huge potential for things to go wrong. I'll either make a BTB map on the island featuring hornets, or a reimagining of a CoD 4 map. Ambush would be sweet.
  10. Flameblad3

    Flameblad3 Ancient
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    I'm gonna build a large Guardian/Lockout style map suspended on the cliff. And a ship on the water.

    Then I'm gonna build an Ascension style map on the Tower, and a BG/Valhalla style map in the Canyon.
  11. L337 Commando

    L337 Commando Ancient
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    Rescue Mission gametype idea

    I have a gametype idea called "Rescue Mission".
    It's based on Infection, but with a few twists.
    The lone Alpha Zombie is referred to as "The Chief" and has improved shields, damage, and maybe speed, the non-infected players are Elites (hopefully we can make Spartan VS Elite Infection games), and the players that get infected are the "Marines" and have less shields, damage, and speed than the Alpha.

    Rescue Mission is designed for a map idea named "Enough Dead Heroes" [working title]. There are four or so Forerunner forts where the Elites spawn. In the forts, there is a "prison" where "Marines" are "kept" (the prison has a one-way shield door leading outward from the interior). When an Elite is killed by the Chief, the Elite is infected and respawns as a Marine in the "prison", and they can walk out (it's not like they're actually trapped; as far as the story, the Elite dying is what frees them) and help out the Chief. The Chief has to go around to each of the forts and kill the Elites and free the Marines within (and don't worry, each fort will have a different-colored light high in the sky so you can find your way around).

    The map design was inspired by the Halo CE mission "Halo" and the prison idea was inspired by "Truth and Reconciliation". Among the forts (which will be medium-sized and fairly simple and not too complex or anything...unless the budget allows for cool stuff) there are downed Falcons (you can't ride the Falcon, it's just there as a prop) scattered throughout the map that have ammo and health packs.

    The Elites start with an Energy Sword, Plasma Repeater, 1 Sticky, Evade, and infinite ammo, and can operate turrets but cannot drive any vehicles. The Chief starts with a DMR, Shotgun, 2 Frags, Sprint, and can pick up ammo and weapons and operate turrets and drive land vehicles. The Marines start with an Assault Rifle, Magnum, 0 Frags, Sprint, and can also pick up ammo and weapons and operate turrets and drive land vehicles. No one can operate the Falcons, since they're just props.

    Aside from "Enough Dead Heroes" which will be a large map, I was also thinking of having a scaled-down map with one central fort. Each battle involves the Chief attacking the fort, killing Elites, and the Marines running out to help the Chief, all in one engagement (unless the Chief decides to run away to regain his strength and attack again). This smaller-scale battle might be better since it can be more controlled and prevent running away and camping, and I could have multiple settings for this version (ie: An interior, a floating fortress, a section of "Enough Dead Heroes", etc.)

    I have some things that need ironing-out.
    First: I need an objective or something that prevents the last couple Elites from abandoning their post and camping while the Chief looks around aimlessly. Perhaps Reach will have a "safe zone" feature, where the non-infected players must reach a special territory in order to achieve victory, instead of just camping out somewhere random.
    Second: Should I change the equipment of the characters? (Weapons, Armor Abilities, etc.) Should the Chief have an advantage over the Elites? Should the Marines be fairly weak?
    Third: How should I handle respawning for the Chief and Marines? Should the Chief only have a few or even just 1 life? Should the Marines only have 1 respawn after getting infected? Should Marines respawn in the "prisons" they started in, or maybe in a separate location? Should the Chief have multiple spawn points? Should the Chief's and the Marines' respawn locations be shared? (ie: A big LZ)
    Fourth: Could "Enough Dead Heroes" be too big? Will Soft Kill Volumes be enough to keep players from running away while still allowing enough exploration? Should Elites always have waypoints visible to the enemy so they don't just run away and camp? Should Marines have waypoints visible by the enemy? [I don't think the Chief needs a waypoint since he's the one on the search and rescue mission here, and it also adds to his role as a predator.]
    Fifth: How many and what kinds of weapons and vehicles should be on "Enough Dead Heroes"? Should it consist of just Warthogs and other light vehicles, or would a Wraith be a good asset to give the Elites? Should the combat be more focused on the infantry instead of adding big power weapons and vehicles? How different should the weapons and vehicles be between "Enough Dead Heroes" and smaller maps?

    Any and all feedback is greatly appreciated...as long as it's constructive. I know it's early to start making gametypes that rely on features that aren't confirmed just yet, but I didn't want to keep sitting on the idea. I want to start the development process before being lost amongst other gametypes that are sure to crop up right around Reach's release. Thanks for reading and helping!

    If you'd like to help me build "Enough Dead Heroes" or any other map ideas, send me a friend request and we can work together once Reach comes out (although I'm still cool with Halo 3 Forge).
    #171 L337 Commando, Jul 30, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2010
  12. Zee-V70

    Zee-V70 Ancient
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    I'm making a spiritual successor to Chiron. I initially had the idea of just making it with no teleporters and connecting all the rooms, though I eventually started making changes to them, not to mention the weapon layout. Still debating names, though. I've narrowed it down to four--Chiron ZV70, Charon, Carrion, and Chiropteran. I may put TL34 in front of the last three, I might not.
    The "striped" boxes are transitional areas--basically ramps. Furthermore, Level One and Level Two's distance isn't that much from eachother vertically--maybe half of an FU. Two to Three, though, is a full FU. Grenades come in bundles of four.
    #172 Zee-V70, Jul 30, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2010
  13. L337 Commando

    L337 Commando Ancient
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    I am shamelessly bumping the thread so you look at my Rescue Mission gametype idea.

    lol no. Since this the MAP Idea thread, I'd like to go more into the map "Enough Dead Heroes" (EDH). I don't have any pictures because I'm lazy, teehee. Still, you should check out the "Rescue Mission" post.

    Right now, EDH has four Forerunner forts, similar to size to the forts in the Halo CE mission "Halo", although I want to make the forts in EDH more complex. I don't want people getting lost, but I don't want battles to be boring, either.

    Here are some questions for the forts:
    First: Should the forts be slightly varied, drastically different, or exact copies of each other? Uniformity or Diversity?
    Second: Should the forts be simple (with one platform on top, and the prison below it) or more complex (with multiple levels, maybe some tunnels, and stuff like that)?
    Third: Should they be massive or just big enough to give a couple players enough elbow room to take cover and move around a bit?
    Fourth: What kinds of weapons or vehicles should be in the forts?
    Fifth: Should the forts be far away from each other, and therefore should the entire map be huge, or would it be better to keep the forts fairly close?

    Thanks for the feedback, guys!
    #173 L337 Commando, Jul 31, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2010
  14. LieutenantLambo

    LieutenantLambo Forerunner

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    Either a parking lot of a half-sunken parking lot.

    Like this:


    But with multiple floors and maybe that cool circular car ramp, like this:


    It would be cool if maybe it was a warzone and there were ragtag pieces of cover (like barricades and cars) all over the place. Team One started at the top, Team Two started at the bottom and has to retrieve the flag from Team One's base. Or maybe Infection, where Team Two is infected and Team One isn't. Even Juggernaut would be cool!
    #174 LieutenantLambo, Jul 31, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2010
  15. Hobbes

    Hobbes Forerunner

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    My Idea

    This is the Legend - sorry for crappy handwriting - did not want to use Text tool in Paint :lol:

    This is an overhead view - now once I get the game I will add much more crap - and maybe a few bases, but for now - this is all I got.

    (top is front view, bottom is side view) This is a base layout. The Grey part is supposed to be a very short and thin wall blocking the players from falling off and/or getting shot. The wall will be high enough for a spartan to duck completely behind it so the opposing sniper cannot get them very easily. The side door will (if possible) appear after about 120 seconds after the game starts so the opposing team can get in a do their business or have a quicker and easier path to the cave. The sniper tower will only be accessible either by spawning there or using a Jetpack.

    This was very quickly thought of and is not nearly as epic as it's going to be once I get Reach.
  16. Canipa09

    Canipa09 Forerunner

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    Hey, at the moment I'm designing a map called "Reminiscence". It is a Geyphrophobia remake that is based upon the three levels of battle that Geyphrophobia entails.

    The Battle of the Bridge is the battle between warthogs, ghosts and heavily armed Spartans.

    The Battle of the Skies is the battle of the Banshees. This battle rarely accomplishes anything but that does not mean that it doesn't help the amount of atmosphere that this map has.

    The Battle of the Bases is the most useful of all battles. The problem with this is that there is little cover in the base and people often use the teleporters to camp. These battles usually result from a recon ghost or warthog managing to take the lower bridge whilst the fighting is heavy on the top.
    __________________________________________________ ________________________

    The changes I wish to make are followed. It is my goal to create some sort of connection between these levels of battle. For instance, I want to make the banshee battles heavier by adding more banshees but I also want to create some Shade turrets and Rocket Hogs on the map (Rocket Hogs on the bridge, Shades on the sides.)

    I also want a single laser to be on top of that tower in the centre. If you are able to get through the banshee battle and land on the top safely, you should be awarded with a means to cull some of the banshees, warthogs or players at the sides.

    Scenerywise, I want to make very little changes. I want to change the bases to being bigger, having two storeys instead of just an elevated platform. I would also like to add some more decorative pieces.
  17. Flameblad3

    Flameblad3 Ancient
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    @L337 Commando: I think that you should make the forts all the same, but more complex. Change the lighting around for each of the forts to make them all seem like completely different areas. I think that's the way you should go. Also, for the gametype, make the last Elite alive really powerful (200% shields, 150% damage, slightly faster, lower gravity, etc.) to make it seem like that only the strongest survive.
  18. xXx Shadow xXx

    xXx Shadow xXx Forerunner

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    A Clan Base for my Clan in the Middle area (Dont know where) and have a Hanger
  19. DMM White

    DMM White Ancient
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    I feel like choosing some existing terrain then building a huge dome over it, then having some windows which you can look out of but you can only see rocks (like Cold Storage has those windows which you can see the flood infested areas outside) to give a strange impression of being in an preserved underground garden.

    Or perhaps a map which is just above the water level with small tunnels and channels which look like flooded crawl spaces or sewers as short cuts between sections of the map.
  20. L337 Commando

    L337 Commando Ancient
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    @Flameblad3: Yeah, I'll the forts similar (although I'll throw in some small differences), and I like that last Elite being powerful idea. Thanks!

    Plus, I'll make another map where the forts are vastly different.
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