Free Roam Halo. I win no exceptions. END OF DISCUSSION! lol. But I will make like a free roam ffa game where you can form alliances and attack enemie players. Kind of like Red Dead
A racetrack that leads everybody off the massive waterfall, and then they fall into the water just to get sucked into a teleporter and spit back out again. Free roam would be cool, but not FFA, Multi-Team. I don't want honor rules...
wow. that waterfall idea sounds awesome. I hope the river that leads to the waterfall is nice enough to pull out a nice straight away.
I've never been an active forger, but that (as well as my social life) end when I get my hands on Forge 2.0 What they've done with Forge is jaw dropping and I've had so many ideas spring to mind, most being Timesplitters remakes. btw; anybody know if we'll be able to set up custom Invasion maps?
The first map I make will involve most of the area surrounding the island including the opening under the waterfall and the beach. Its going to be a BTB map with falcons and hogs and a underwater path and shallow bridges. I cannot wait for this game.
Now this i like And heres a brief list: -Headlong remake -Rat Race remake -DDay map. -Map built on a cliff face. Made for CTF, Slayer, and KOTH. Jetpack oriented obviously -Big team battle map on the island with lots of vehicular combat -map built around the water fall -oil rigg type map -lots of mlg maps in the coliseum and the small open area above it -secret map that is sure to be epic win
Motha fudging Halo ball with the ball as the bomb.... Fireworks come out once you score and I jizz all over when I finish the map...
I am going to make the most creative map design ever, with LD. It will a whole new experience every time you play it, because of my genius use of the [redacted]. That way, whenever you load up a [redacted] game the entire map will be [redacted] from the [redacted] version. It will be unbeleivably sexy. Beleive me, using the [redacted] on this scale is something that has never been done before. LD and i will set the standard for creativity when building Reach maps ;D I also plan to build the ultimate rocket-race map if anyone would like to join me on that. It will be the biggest and best. PM pl0x if you like the idea.
Actually, I have the greatest idea ever. I just have to keep it hush, until I release it. It's not going to be expected though... That much I can give away.
I like your idea, but I'm not going to PM you. I'm just going to steal your idea on Reach's release. So ha! Your plan backfired! Anyways, Rocket Race on Forge World is going to be epic.
(condescending italian tone) Conker, if yours is worthy i may actually take the time waste a glance upon your map. While it will never be as grand as mine it still may be fun at the very least. (normal tone) Aww man i hate competition in map making! But my idea is more than just that, its much more complicated. Ive got the whole thing planned out already. Its more than just rocket race, its more than just a map with random scenery scattared throughout forgeworld with tons of teleporters. It will take for freakin ever to build though, i plan to use everything that i can find a use for ;D @Spawn: Sorry, LD and i will top you. No matter what. Like, the idea is so unprecedented that you will explode with overwhelmed shock.
Giant narrows? Thought of that, then unthought it. Vehicle movement would be a huuuuuge problem. Maybe if you made the main narrows bridge (except twice as long and twice as wide) with one or two adjecent bridges and massive, open bases. It would have to be freakin HUGE.
And that's why we have a 10k budget. I don't plan on using the pre-made structures, so I'll use the bottom of those as flat spaces, plus, where I plan on building it, I just need to set up a warning barrier and a death barrier. No walls needed as barriers.
Before playing Halo 3 my passion for first person shooters was on Saints Row and Rainbow Six Vegas 1 and 2, I just simply can't wait to make some perfect remakes from all three of these games, including making fresh new maps that I wanted to make on Halo 3 that I just never got around to because I was too damn lazy. Also, from what I now know from the vidocs and other videos, it definitely makes me happy that it's a hell of a lot easier to co-forge, because I prefer to make maps with my buds lol.
Oooooh, make the two outer paths curve somewhat. It would look incredibly sexy. Possibly map design below, notice the symmetry! O (|) O ;D