What Map Ideas Do You Have For Reach?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Spawn of Saltine, Jul 23, 2010.


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  1. Plasma Blades

    Plasma Blades Ancient
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    I'll be remaking "The Generators" (if possible) from my signature. Then, once I'm more familiar with maps, I'll continue that series, hopefully making 2-3 more maps, each with a new innovative twist. At the end, I'll release a map pack.
    However, I haven't even tried forging yet, but I hear that it's kind of annoying. Anything I should know before I start?
  2. Niel15

    Niel15 Forerunner

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    I want to try remaking most of the maps from past Halo games.
  3. Procles

    Procles Forerunner

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    Eventually they are ALL going to be remade at a very high quality. Bungie has, in fact, said that next month there'll be more Forge World maps added - which could very well be official versions of other Halo maps. So, I don't get why everyone's first instinct is to do this.

    The community needs one, and only one, prime version of each map. Anything more is merely cluttering the file search. With that in mind, I can see forming some teams of really good forgers to make such definitive maps, but if you're a newbie what's the point?
  4. FuRrY321

    FuRrY321 Forerunner

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    You mean kind of like how there are multiple versions of "The Pit" and "Hang 'em High"? Granted, some are better than others, but still... some originals would be nice.
  5. SideShowBob963

    SideShowBob963 Forerunner

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    i have already made a number of maps on forge world, most of which are small free-for-all maps however i have made a few team based maps. i do want to make a griffball map (cuz griffball rocks). i have yet to actually post any of my maps sooo i will start on a griffball map, i want to bring that to halo reach if it isn't already there :D
  6. MX 957

    MX 957 Forerunner

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    I already have 2 maps, a cheap Foundation remake for a fun as hell Swat CTF game we used to play in H2 and a Normandy Assault map that I'm trying to work the kinks out on. Any ideas on how to have 3 bombs spawn at once or how to spawn one bomb three times in three different locations?
  7. SideShowBob963

    SideShowBob963 Forerunner

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    im working on a map where red team is on a carrier and the objective is to fly to the blue base and capture it. also i have an idea for a 2 way linear push. E.G. red team and blue team each start with a controlled territory. there will be a neutral one halfway between the two bases, the objective is to push forward, capturing the center tower/base then pushing to the opposing base and capturing it to win the game.
  8. FuRrY321

    FuRrY321 Forerunner

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    Since we're talking about maps we're working on...

    I don't have pictures (as it's still a work-in-progress) but I'm making a 1-objective-based map in the Forge World Canyon. There is a red base by the beach, where everybody starts out at and you have to use a man cannon on the top to get to a teleporter, where you teleport to on top of a cliff. There is a neutral base on the cliff, with a bunker a little bit from it. The neutral base is partly camouflaged by a tree, so that the sniper up top has some "cover". To get to Blue Base, you have two paths you can take, but they both involve going down rock paths. Once you get down, the defenders - blue team - have to defend their base from you as you try to steal their flag/plant a bomb. If it's CTF, you have to go back the way you came, only you must use a man cannon that smacks you against the rocks. It hurts, but you get back onto one of the paths you took to get down, and you can make your way back to red base. Like it should be, it takes longer to get back to the base with the flag than it takes to get to blue base. I think this map will work out well when it's finished, but for now that's basically it. Of course, it will support other gametypes too, perhaps even Invasion, if I can figure out how to keep it fast-paced (perhaps I'll have alternate routes open up as the tiers go along).

    PS I suck at explaining things, sorry if my post sounds silly.
  9. Secnateb

    Secnateb Ancient
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    X-Men Danger Room
    I had this idea when I was messing around Halo 3 forge. I don't know if there's been something like this before, wouldn't surprise me if there was. So I'm working on an infection map right now with the same idea, but I believe there may be some problems.
    In order to have players spawn as specific X-Men characters, I was planning on having 1-4 players spawn in their own specific enclosed area with a sender teleporter to leave after they've collected their weapons/ability. So I was wondering if it is possible to have multiple teams in infection (different color for different X-Men character), rather than just red and blue. If so then that's great. If not...well I guess I'd have to find another way or scrap the idea.

    Another problem is weapon drops from deaths. Other characters might pick up the weapons, thus negating their characters' specifics. Is there a way to make the weapons vanish when player is killed? Or do they always drop?
  10. FuRrY321

    FuRrY321 Forerunner

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    You could always set up a custom gametype with custom loadouts, where players spawn with the desired weapons and abilities. Then, you could make it so they can't pick up weapons. The only problem with that is ammo, but you could make it so that all weapons have max ammunition at start.
  11. Mr Goggin

    Mr Goggin Forerunner

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    I am working on a large ship docked at the hanger area. Multiple levels on the ship, a hanger bay/cargo area. I'm new to Halo map making so it is taking a while. Forge is at the same time more and less complex than the map editor in AOE 3.
  12. Stormking14

    Stormking14 Forerunner
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    I know so many people have thought of this idea for Halo 3, but now that we actually have rocks, someone might be able to build a giant asteroid with a hole in it for some asethetic appeal and interesting gameplay. Then we could clutter the area with small asteroids. I think everyone should either get jet packs or sprint. It would be BA.
  13. killllllll11488

    killllllll11488 Ancient
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    Okay, so does anyone remember that never ending game on narrows, the one where you go on the man cannons, and one mancannon would launch you to a teleporter that teleports you to the other man cannon? You had random weapons and random boxes would spawn in your way sometimes. Well I am going to remake that, it was my favorite game before sandbox came out.
  14. NbK 2 x kiill3R

    NbK 2 x kiill3R Forerunner

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    I'm thinking of making a very large highway of some sort but it will not be a race map it would be an infection, the backstory would be that the highway has been abandoned and everybodys either dead or the undead with only a few survivors and loads of zombies.
  15. NiwotxkrrTiyawn

    NiwotxkrrTiyawn Forerunner

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    I've been thinking of doing an illusion map, essentially a giant cube room tilted at 45degrees with symmetrical sides where you would be able to climb up the sides of buildings and such, with plenty of other disorienting things.
  16. killllllll11488

    killllllll11488 Ancient
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    Ya this did not work out.
    But if anyone else wants to do it that would be awesome, because that was a really fun game in halo 3

    Also, I think I found the game on Halo 3 if anyone wants to look at it, the name is crazee cannons, you can find it here
  17. artifact123

    artifact123 Forerunner
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    My maps so far:


    Antenna: A map made for Invasion. Spartans first have to deactivate the shield doors (Territories). Plant a Bomb to destry more shields and finally steal the Data Core in the Sattelite Antenna.

    Bumpercars: Try to bump the other team cars in the Kill Balls.

    Military Police Training:
    Challenge 1: Drive a Mongoose trough a Minefield.
    Challenge 2 Begginer: Shoot down non-moving Fusion Coils with Land Mines as heads(Headshot=Instant kill).
    Challenge 2 Veteran: Shoot down Fusion Coils flying towards you.
    Challenge 3: Fly a Falcon trough a aerial obstacle course.
    Challenge 4: Jetpack from platform to platform.

    Minigame World: A world full of Miningames.

    ODST Training:
    Challenge 1: Dropping.
    Challenge 2: Walk trough a Minefield.
    Challenge 3: Use a Splaser to blast down the Covenant vehicles.
    Challenge 4: Drive a Mongoose trough a minefield.
    Challenge 5: Use a Grenade Launcher to shoot a Grenade trough a small hole to blow up the Generator.

    Skywars: Banshees VS Banshees.

    Stick-Ball: Also known as Dodgeball.

    Boulder Creek: A remake of Beaver Creek with a complete new design. There is no arch in the middle, but there is a sattelite antenna pointing right upwards. Using a Jet Pack you can retrieve the Plasma Launcher on top of it.


    ODST Training 2: Second part of ODST Training.
    Challenge 1: Use a Shotgun to shoot a way trough a hallway blocked off by pallets.
    Challenge 2: Use a DMR to shoot at dummies that have a Fusion Coil as a body and a Land Mine as a head.
    Challenge 3: Just like challege 2 but this time you use a Machine Gun.
  18. MostWanted95

    MostWanted95 Forerunner
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    I am probably not the only one that has though of this but, I was thinking of making remixes of the Halo 1 and Halo 2 maps, Its going to take me awhile but I know I can do it.
  19. pab1o

    pab1o Forerunner
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    Thinking of making a quake 3 map, maybe qdm6, fast weapon spawning as in quake 3, everyone gets sprint to approximate the fast movement, maybe balancing the weapons and damage too. Too many ideas at the mo though, gonna make a very basic invasion map first just to learn the mechanics of it.
  20. SlivergoldHeart

    SlivergoldHeart Forerunner

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    I Do Animal Based Maps

    I make dragons, Birds, Sharks, And Snakes,, and bases,...etc And my maps usually take 1 to 2 weeks (depending on homework) to make...I work alone, i do not have forging partners and if i do its rare, because i dont want the other person to make there own version of my map first then post it and make me look like a thief...so far that hasn't happened but to make sure it doesnt
    i give all my maps sound effects..my current map on reach...I made a ghost explode every few minutes where its hard to see to give a building i made the effect of it being crushed by the giant dinosaur i made standing on it.. I believe in extreme detail so i always check out books from my local library to make sure they look exact. I do sometimes make other maps like ships, ruin type city maps, but i best at Animal maps
    #500 SlivergoldHeart, Oct 3, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2010
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