What Makes Halo so Good

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Altair4PM, Apr 5, 2008.

  1. Altair4PM

    Altair4PM Ancient
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    What makes Halo 3 so darn amazing? Gameplay? Graphics? FORGING?
    That last one is obvious, but what are your opinions?
    I like the fact i'll come back to it in 5 years and still say it's the best game in the world. [Other than Halo 4... it WILL come or I WILL burn down Bungie.]
  2. N1SS3 200

    N1SS3 200 Ancient
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    hmm i think it's the gameplay because halo plays so damn good and then we have forge that i love. and if bungie dosen't realease halo 4 i'm gonna help you altair to burn down bungie!
  3. icedemon

    icedemon Ancient
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    i will join u!:D:mad:
  4. T3chnomonkey

    T3chnomonkey Ancient
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    My opinion: The halo series isn't all that amazing. It didn't really add anything amazing to the FPS experience. What it did right: everything. There was basically nothing wrong or missing form Halo games. No annoying puzzles, or excessively lame plots, etc.
  5. super trooper88

    super trooper88 Ancient
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    Great online gameplay that is matched by almost no game, and a great main character in Master Chief. I just can't stop loving this game.

    As for there being a Halo 4, I have doubts because it clearly said on the game box that it was the last one to end the Halo trilogy. I wish they would, and if they do I'll be one of the first out there to get it on the release date.
  6. John

    John Ancient
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    Everything about the Halo trilogy is good. Except for Halo 2's campaign.
  7. super trooper88

    super trooper88 Ancient
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    Dude. I loved Halo 2's campaign.
  8. TrueBlue Wolf

    TrueBlue Wolf Ancient
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    What made halo so good... I know the answer for a fact I know exactly what makes halo so good, no lies. Are you ready?... The community. Halo had a pretty large following from the start, but honestly the world didn't really know how good halo was, until the community started playing the game nonstop and have so called "halo parties." (You know those fun old-school lan parties with groups of friends yelling and screaming and carrying on all night, because someone just got ran over or that dude got completely annihalated by that rocket.) By the time halo 2 was about ready to come out, everyone knew about halo and how good it was, because it was everywhere because the community had put it everywhere. Halo 2 increased the community ten fold, with xbox live and drastically increasing forums and dedicated communities. Halo 3 also made the huge community even bigger, by including a boat load of new features and forge. Of course the community isn't the only reason, Halo, Halo 2, and Halo 3 are all great games that have expanded and revolutionized the gaming world with fantastic story telling, breath-taking cinematics, amazing single player, and spectacular multiplayer with the options to customize games and maps. Halo is so fun, because there is a Halo community out there that brings this game to life.
  9. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
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    yeah i have to agree with the community, eg. i would play cod4 more if it was made by bungie because you kinda know most of the people and they continuosly interact with the commnunity unlike infinity ward which is just a bunch of suits to me.
  10. Raw King07

    Raw King07 Ancient
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    Yeah, just like the Star Wars 'trilogy'...

    Anyways, the online play and multiplayer capabilities make it just fun to play. The graphics and gameplay alone aren't really superb, it's just when you find a bunch of friends and play a customly designed map and variant, breaking down the cliche fighting stuff.

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