1. brute shot, sniper (hate them, but they are great for infection because they are like gambling when you use them),BR, and Shotgun 2. It would need to be a close combat, or the humans would need speed 3. As zombie or human?
Honestly, I thought we had enough infection maps to last us a lifetime. I'm kind of over them myself. --dc
Well both is pretty fun, like running the whole time in Sandtrap or staying in one room in foundation shooting them all down. Guess it depends that the people want.
Yea my new map I just finished is really balanced for zombies and humans to have fun.Also i made it so mostly the humans must go outside to get weapons,go in the pool,or go to the gas station.so they dont camp in the hotel.
I began playing around with a roughly-put-together map for Infection... it featured a lot of mazelike corridors and hallway intersections, and the occasional dead end. It needs quite a bit of fine-tuning, but it made for some very nerve-wracking horror movie chases!
IMO... As long as there is a zombies gametype... there will never be a *perfect* balanced map+gametype combo...
1.No human armory! 2.Small defensive base with lots of ways in for Zombies 3.Zombies aren't Insta-Killed 4. I like Risky Rewards maps were too get say a good gun or good cover you have to work for it. The huamns don't start in a super base, they start across the map from one. Or to get in the base you have to find a grav lift somewhere on the map then run back to the base! Those kind of maps were taking risks is what could save or kill you are my favourite type of infection map!
Please dear god don't put a room with every weapon and every vehicle in a room that is so retardely sheltered that one human can hold off 15 zombies armed with scorpian tanks. Oh and balance.