What LOTR Maps Would YOU Like?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by ProtoFury, Feb 26, 2008.

  1. ProtoFury

    ProtoFury Ancient
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    Okay well if any of you have been keeping up (which I doubt--I haven't really been posting them yet) I have been making a series of quality maps based off of the great book and movie series The Lord Of The Rings. Kinda nerdy, I know, but it's challenging and fun, since I like to make my maps as close to the "real" things as possible, using the scenes from the movies and the maps from LOTR: Battle for Middle Earth 2 as a reference. Currently I have Helm's Deep, Mount Doom, and Isengard on my File Share. I have a Minas Tirith in production, but I have run into difficulties with Foundry's poor layout.

    AFter my last map, The Site, I decided to get off my LOTR series break and break ground on my newest map: Minas Morgul. Or Minas Ithil, for those of you who would know. Anyways, this map is going to be a challenge, because of the very limited shots in LOTR. There are really only a few moments worth of really good shots of the castle, and unlike Minas Tirith or Helm's Deep, there are no shots from inside. I'm basically going off of these few minutes worth of footage plus the map from BFME2, which isn't all to helpful, either. I'll give you guys the basic rundown another time, for now just know that the whole back of the map with the bases is blocked off, and base 1 is home to the jutting out in the wall created by the beginnings of Shelob's lair. So yes the stairway in the mountains in in there--in a form.

    Anyways I was just wondering what kind of LOTR maps you guys would want: Dol Goldur, Shelob's Laior, or what?
  2. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
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    No matter what you do, Halo is never going to remind me of any battle or moment from LOTR.
  3. Biggles2

    Biggles2 Ancient
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    Cool, I made my first LOTR map way back, I only made three and never got around to making anymore. I was thinking about making Edoras or Osgiliath before I stopped.
    I'm thinking about starting it up again, cause they're alot of fun to make
  4. Shock Theta

    Shock Theta Father of 4chub
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    Titmar is right in a way, it's going to be very hard to recreate the same feel. But I would request you try The Dimholt Road (Paths of the Dead). It could work better than most.
  5. ProtoFury

    ProtoFury Ancient
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    I'm not trying to re-create the feel, just the map. For instance, the feel of Helm's Deep (in Halo) would be somewhere equivalent to a few hundred Spartans in the fort against 10,000 Elites. Or Brutes would be more accurate. But I'm going for innovative ways to play on these maps. For Instance, Helm's Deep works well with any party size--just grab the territories in the alloted time, or fend off the attackers. Or Isengard--grab the bomb and make your way through the fortress, up the ramp, and destroy the "dam." I don't make these kinda maps that are just for Team Slayer; no one plays those right when people try to make them. My maps have attainable goals based off of the original battles, not recreating them.

    On another note: The Dimholt Road is a good one. It'll be a fun one to make becuase of the limited footage, again. And to make things more interesting I could throw in some of the inside of the mountains--you get some good scenes of the ghost's lair in the extended film. This is why I created this post--getting other's ideas/requests and building off of them.
  6. HPssauce

    HPssauce Ancient
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    see what you can do with either Osgiliath ruins- the part where v bad guys are attackin by boat and the defenders ambush them all (it could then be used for normal games after too). Or, moria-layout would be intresting - just a few ideas....
  7. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    You should try any of the aforementioned suggestions outside of Foundry. For example, you could use Last Resort for Osgiliath or the out of the map glitch on either Snowbound of Narrows for the Dimholt Road. Sure, there's less to work with than in Foundry, but it could push your imagination further and might be worth looking into.
    As a separate idea, how about recreating the Warg/Rohirrim battle? Valhalla is perfect for the terrain and orcs could ride the Choppers and the Rohirrim/Aragorn could be on Mongeese?
    Also, you should look at some of the amazing drawings of Alan Lee if you need more LOTR inspiration. Good luck; it's a pretty hard sell in my opinion.
  8. jjbrich

    jjbrich Ancient
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    Yeah use last resort and make it an infection gametype where everyone has swords and BR, use it like D-day map but make it the scene from the very first battle!
  9. ProtoFury

    ProtoFury Ancient
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    Duly noted on all points. So far the list is going:

    -The Dimholt Road (which I have come up with some new ideas for so that should be fun)
    -Osgiliath (which has a lot of cover and ruined buildings--again would be fun to make)
    -The Warg Battle
    -Shelob's Lair (had to throw that one in--I got excited about it earlier thinking of the things I could do with it.)

    In response to Titmar--If you don't think any map in Halo could remind you of any scene from Lord of the Rings, I dare you to try some of my maps. I'll give you that Mount Doom isn't great, it only took me about 8 hours including time spent screwing around with things that didn't really pertain to the map much, but it does kinda capture the essence of the battle if you get enough people. I will remake it eventually, and sooner or later will give Helm's Deep an overhaul, but as for Helm's Deep it's working fine now so at this point I'm not going to mess with a good thing.
  10. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    mount doom (a short climb and inside bridge over a deathpit) might make a good 1v1 or 2v2 map, maybe?
  11. ProtoFury

    ProtoFury Ancient
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    My Mount Doom map is already out there. It has a mountain in the back (which erupts) with a hallway to he inside of the volcano where you have to take the ring (bomb). With the proper gametype it is pretty fun, unfortunately because of the fusion coils it has some lag with a lot of people in the game. Anyways the person with the ring gets invisibility and good radar (kinda like the traits of one wearing the Ring) and inside the mountain the Sauron power-up spawns, along with a grav-hammer. So it is kinda like a mix of the final battle and the first battle scenes of LOTR.

    BTW Squidhands--I really like the idea of the warg battle on Valhalla. The only issue I could see with your layout would be that Choppers can shoot and Mongeese can't. I guess it could be balanced with the weapons given to the "Riders of Rohan" team, but it would be fun to work out in Forge, considering I love making vehicle maps. If you want to check out a fun map I have on Valhalla already, send me a message and I'll show you Thorian Wars (named after Thor, from mythology--go figure). It's not on my File Share so I would have to show you. It's pretty fun when you get things going with the right people, but I need to go back and edit it into an objective-based game to keep the defenders on the defending side. Anyways I love the warg battle idea, if you wanna make it with me just send me a message this weekend since I have Friday and Monday off.

    Anyways keep the suggestions coming--I'd much rather do requests of maps than just the maps I like!
  12. ErickTheRed

    ErickTheRed Ancient
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    I have three LOTR inspired maps in my fileshare right now - not as "accurate" as I'd like but the core fell is there

    Erebor, Orthanc, and Gundabad. They were made for slayer gmetypes - no objectives yet. Made a gametype for Erebor called Smaug thats showing some promise - check em out

    my gamertag is ECA420

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