I don't like it either. I played it for about four hours after downloading it from XBL and couldn't understand the hype. I plan on retrying it but it was horribly mediocre the first time around.
Red alert 2 Age of empires 2!!!!! empire earth! has anyone heard of this old game called.. Halo Reach?
I actually bought Stalker when it was a buck on GFWL, but I haven't played it yet. I guess I'm waiting for a better comp so I don't have to make any compromises while I play.
-Lost odyssey -Shadowrun -Suikoden I-V Im really suprised shadowrun and lost odyssey were mentioned. Shadowrun never got the attention it deserved and was without a doubt the best FPS before halo 3. Lost odyssey is really the last good turn based rpg, and on that subject ive gotta mention Suikoden. I spent countless hours playing these games, and if you even remotely like turn based rpgs, this will instantly be a favorite of yours. Its so much deeper than every other game during its time. 104 playable characters (and the excitement of finding all of them), an intricate trade system, suprisingly deep gameplay (for a turn based rpg) and you build up a freakin castle! What more can i say?
i been playin Assassins Creed Brotherhood. The multiplayer is badass and revelations is looking to up the multiplayer too.
I picked up section 8: Prejudice a couple days back on steam while it was one sale for $5. it's a mix of bf and halo which is surprisingly loads of fun and worth the regular $15 price tag considering the amount of content it comes with. also i got back into shogun 2 recently. such an amazing game, though probably the one with the least amount of depth combat wise of the franchise. plus i picked it up for half price on a steam sale too <3 i want to be able to play co-op campaign with friends but none of their computers can run it
ive been meaning to play suikoden for like 15 years and just never got around to it. i gotta go find a copy of it somewhere. LO ruled. **** those mastery achievements though...
I was fortunate enough to know someone who had a copy of the first and I bought 3 and 5 at gamestop. The entire series is awesome (havent played 2 or 4, but 2 is a continuation of the first and supposedly the best,) If you can get a copy of any of them, you should. Also, the first one is in the PS store so if you have a psp or ps3 you can get it that way. IMO, it doesn't matter what order you play them in, because they are all in different times or places. However, i would highly recommend playing 1 and 2 back to back because your save data transfers if you keep everyone and you get a surprise. I beat LO and did almost all of the side quests (excluding DLC), but i was getting tired of it and didn't feel like grinding out the achievements. I think i got all abilities for Kaim, but I'm not sure.
If you were leveling the immortals' skills efficiently during the course of the game, it was very easy to snag the rest by level 60, even easier if you used the difficult bonus dungeon. The tough achievement was Treasure Hunter, for obvious reasons.
too bad i never got to level 60. I never finished the bonus dungeon, because i had already played it for 2 weeks straight and i was starting to go in circles in that one because of the puzzles and the random encounters every 2 seconds.