Ah, Harf Truck: apocalypse. I'ts an old game wher baicially you drive around in various trucks, blow bandits up, explore, and find cool loot. Very few people know about it, and even fewer people have played it. I will warn you though, thevoice acting is stale and terribe, and there's a LOT of driving, so it's more like an actual simulation. If you're interested, there's even a sequel
Critical Mass (Sean O'Connor windows game, yeah old school ftw) Exile 3 (seriously, anyone heard of this?) Marathon 1, 2, Infinity, Rubicon, Red and Evil Microbot (xbla single player. Great relaxing game) Mech Warrior 4 Mercenaries Mud & Blood (on kongregate, very frustrating but never gets old) Sins of a Solar Empire Quake (yeah the original.) I can't believe someone in here still plays Hexen. Major props on that one.
You kinding me? Medal of Honor is barely played. But somehow, you can still find a game quicker on MoH than Halo: Reach. But Timesplitters, I've never even heard of this.
Medal of Honor is barely played because most people consider it a mediocre version of CoD. Just about everyone knows about it, though. You don't know about Timesplitters? I don't like you...
THIS. Brilliant game, I always bring it up as my main source in the argument for if video games are art. If any game is art, it's that.
Dinos vs. Gingerbread Men one hit punchout. Oh the fun that was had. Loved the challenge mode Timesplitters had, those were beast.
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Chernobyl, Clear Sky, and Pripyat. Cogs Crayon Physics VVVVVV And Yet It Moves Hammerfight Foreign Legion: Buckets of Blood
This. P.S. Anyone picking up Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet off the Summer of Arcade in three days? It's supposed to be the next Limbo. I thought Bastion was pretty good myself.
I play this cool game called Face of Mankind from time to time, you should check it out. Face of Mankind
Hells yeh I am. I've been watching that game since I first heard about it around a year and a half ago. I dig the art style in it for some reason. Just to clarify, I was actually talking about the original top-down RPG on the SNES/Megadrive (Genesis). You're god damn right it was. I was looking for ROMs one day and stumbled upon that. Didn't know what to expect, so I downloaded it and its just pure awesome sauce.
Hadn't heard of that before reading your post, but I'll definitely be picking it up, looks really sweet. Thanks for the tip.
I really only play mainstream titles. Back in the original xbox days I played a lot of random games that I really enjoyed. One franchise I really enjoyed was the Midnight Club series. That's about it. Whenever someone says limbo is art, I think of that Southpark episode when they wrote a book that meant nothing and people misinterpreted it to mean something. To me, it seems like Limbo tried to mimic Braid but without interesting gameplay or story.
Xun, I remember stumblin across your thread. And Pegasi, if you're into RPGs than I seriously suggest you look up Bastion too. It's really addictive once you start gettin in past the first few worlds. Also, another game I've enjoyed playing, that I'm not sure how well it's known around these parts, is Amnesia on the PC. Such an intense thriller.
Shadowrun and Unreal Championship II: Liandri Conflict. Unreal is probably one of my favorite games of all time. I can't believe the lack of attention it received when it first came out. I think xbox magazine called it the "Best Game You Never Played" on the original xbox.
I didn't like Limbo. Not sure why, the game just never caught on with me. Braid. Now there's a ****ing game. Another game I've been playing lately is Dungeons Of Dredmor. It's like...$4 dollars on steam or something to that effect. It's the single best roguelike I've ever played, and it's insanely addictive. Speaking of addictive games from Steam, Solar 2 is also pretty damn good.