As the title says, broaden your horizons All I've played over the last 2 months is mount & blade warband It is better than all halos tbh
Nexuiz, Quake Arena Arcade, Quake Live, Deus Ex, Star Wars: Jedi Knight, Star Wars: Republic Commando, Combat Arms... Well, that's all I can think of at this moment.
Halo, Battlefield, Mass Effect, and Starcraft 2. I also like Tomb Raider and star wars games, along with a few others.
He said 'lesser-known' games. Meaning games that are not known by every single person or in Tomb Raider's case, hated by every single person.
This is a surprisingly good idea for someone who is the way you are hpm. Psychonauts Golden Sun Megaman Battle Network Star Wars Episode I: Racer Mashed
For the past month, I hav e played alittle halo, but I mainly play Fallout 3, Star wars KoTOR 1 and 2, Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Acadamy.
Battlefield 2 (not really lesser known, but it came out like six years ago lol.) Robotech Dead Space (Again not really lesser known but most people forgot it because of DS2) Mechwarrior 2
I want to slap you. Not because I dislike you as a person, but because you play Psychonauts. Pretty sure you're the last person ever to play that horribly mediocre game.
Yes. Maybe it's more of a personal preference thing, but I did not understand how anyone could like that game. It's different, and not in a good way IMO.
Marathon 1, Marathon 2, and Marathon:Infinity Hexen 2 Quake 4 TNT Racers Heavy Weapon Cube The Club Duke Nukem 3D
What. The. ****. Psychonauts is a fantastic game, one of the best things to ever come from Tim Schafer, and one of my favorite games of all time. You're the first person I've heard to speak ill of it. Seriously, you can't NOT LIKE Psychonauts. It's just not possible. Anyway: Shadowrun Fallout Tactics I want to say Kingdom Hearts, but the game has a pretty damn big following. Then again, I never hear anyone speak of it. Then again, I spend most of my time on Xbox focused gaming sites, so who knows.
People need to stop listing games that people probably know about, like Final Fantasy Tactics, theres a friggin country that probably has a higher amount of people that know about that than don't. (Japan) A lot of these games are fairly well known, Oh and whoever said Deus Ex... well, Im not going to finish that statement because it'll probably seem like I hate you. On topic: Games that I play that are lesser known, not completely unknown, but not very popular either. • Spiral Knights • League of Legends • Dungeons & Dragons Online • Alien Swarm I'm unsure of the popularity of this one, but I'll put it even though I'm pretty sure it has a good following going. • Torchlight
Not one person in the entire thread mentioned Final Fantasy Tactics. At all. And LoL is a hugely popular game.
WHOOPS its fallout tactics... my bad. LoL is known, but not as much as games such as oh, shadowrun, kingdom hearts or psychonauts. Pretty much anyone who has read a videogame magazine ever will have heard of at least one of those three if they haven't played it. But I agree, LoL has been picking up a following more recently.
Mount & Blade Warband also this is the mod I play, there is 120 player EU server Australian fanbase is very small