I like Pop and Rock. Greenday is by far my favourite band because they hate Americas old government, and im sure most of you americans do too, thats why they have a song called American Idiot. George Bush. Im not racist but Bush messed up the US` rep with me. Flo Rida is by far the best rapper on earth, with Get Low, I can sing the whole song, even the part where he talks like 10 words a second, and i love right round, and all his other songs. Otherwise, Rap is gay, except from that one Eminem song. Crack a Bottle.
Simply depends on my mood, energy level, whats already next on the playlist, etc... Overall I like mostly everything with a nice beat and catchy tune
If you think Flo Rida is the best rapper on Earth, you've obviously have got no idea about rap music. I mean, I understand everyones got the right to their own opinion, but my opinion is that everyones opinion so far, sucks.
Ooh, that's the only song I like by them... until it ended up in Str8age... Hence why it's mainstream. And I dunno if it was considered mainstream, but The Getaway Plan was pretty damned good. Eww... Animal Collective... Like: Post-Hardcore Trance Metal Classic Rock Rave Most kinds of Indie Alternative Rock (which is pretty much mainstream these days if you think about it.) Anything that creates a state of euphoria or extreme emotion... Dislike Most Rap Hollywood Undead Songs about nothing in particular (thank you Lily Allen) THE ****ING ARCTIC MONKEYS ****ing most important band of our generation my ass... But then again I'm like Sweeney, there will be bits of everything I like, like Kanye West has one or two alright songs and there's some Australian hip hop which is decent if I'm in the mood for it. Hell, there's even a good Country song or two... but then again, my dad works in country music so I'm probably slightly biased.
Depends on the style of Indie... like, Arctic monkeys can go die in a ****ing corner with the Jonas brothers and Aaron Carter, but Her Latest Flame (which is technically Indie) is quite alright, for me at least.