Most of the goold looking ones are. The only chicks I've ever seen dating guys that skinny usually weigh in the 200lbs area. You don't have to be stupidly massive either. Just well shaped. I'm not large by any means but I do have very good definition. I wiegh in at 80Kgs (can't be assed doing the conversion) But like I said thanks to wieghts, Boxing and my job I stay very trim and the chicks down here love it. Combine that with my sexy as a sexy thing Texan accent....
I hate lifting. I'm to lazy and don't have any desire to work out on a shedule or even on a regular basis unless its for a sport. I'm not fat mind you but I'm not extremely muscular either. I don't know about you guys but if you honestly believe that once you have a six pack the girls will start flocking in you are sadly mistaken. And those girls who do love you just or mostly because of your six pack are whores. Arguing about weight lifting? I expected a little better imho.