With the new year creeping up and the start of a new decade I thought it would be neat to see what other people's new year's resolutions are for next year. I personally like to have one, even they usually fail, for me or I usually forget what I plan on doing or not doing. So for next year, my resolution is to work out and build some muscle and to have good if not better grades next year. So what is yours?
Those sounds like normal new year resolutions that alot of people have year after year. I have one, but its more personal between me and Amber. But im still going to try my best to make it happen
I wanna be able to do 50+ pushups in less than a minute by the end of the 3rd or 4th quarter. I currently can do 20.
Same with you, Agamer, I would like to build up some muscle as well. Also, one of my new year's resolutions is to improve or tone-down my temper. It's true, I do get mad quite easily.
My usual resolution is not to have one. But, since that falls through every year, I'll say maybe get a girlfriend.
I'm going to start a list. On this list will be things that I want myself to do by the end of my life. Pretty big new years resolution for me.
I would like to get back in shape for baseball season and gain more muscle. and Work harder in school because college is in the imminent future.