Re: My big ass tv That is my dream room right there. 60' LCD with 7.1 surround sound and a mini fridge. Right now I play on a 26' 720p LCD TV with a Halo 3 edition Xbox 360, Wii, and Nintendo 64. In a few weeks I'll be moving into a classmates appartment and I'll upgrade to a 42' 1080p LCD. We may also get a PS3 and surround sound. My parents have a 36' 720p LCD and 5.1 surround sound and it is nice. Once you go with surround sound, it is hard to play any other way.
Re: My big ass tv so true, i try to play with surround sound off during nap time (we run a home buisness daycare) and i just can't do it. It's like a tick you just can't get rid of, it gets annoying when you dont have it on. Especially with Mass Effect. If you don't have surround sound while playing Mass Effect, GET OFF YOUR FAT LAZY ASS, GET A JOB, AND GET SURROUND SOUND SON!!!
Meh, I have a REALLY old TV. 36� TV, Stero sound, Xbox 360. Yeah, not one of those fancy gaming set-ups, but it gets the bullets into the enemy. (Ill take a few pictures later.)
I'm going to set up surround from my old house in my game room soon. I also have a 1080p TV, and for most of the time, I was playing on 480p because I thought it auto-adjusted. LOL.
I have an Olivia 32" LCD HDTV, Halo 3 Xbox 360, and 5.1 Sorround sound. [img width=800 height=603][/img] [img width=800 height=603][/img] I also have a 4 TV LAN set up [img width=800 height=603][/img]
omfg...i have a 36" tv, computer, wii, 360 elite, and normal speakers....and i thought my setup was nice....well i guess the 60+ games i have helps....
All ive got is a 32" Standard def tv (it sys HD ready, but its not ) a 360, a halo edition xbox and built in stereo tv speakers, not much, but it works
it wont be till christmas but. 19 inch philip's 720p HDTV. stereo <.< BUT. i got these studio "earmuff" headphones that i know will make that stereo eat your face off. its also gonna be my 2nd computer monitor. Images on december 25th.
20 incher costing around 250$, 720p, stereo, xbox360. great when you cant afford a huge flatscreen, and dont have enough room for a bigger tv. a 20 inch flatscreen costs 3 times more than a fatscreen :O
Then remove to door off of it's hinges and put it in that room. Seriously- if the fine print says front door and not door frame, you could have done that.
AJ! Your life is perfect ): I have a 51" (I think) plasma 1080p, surround sound with a pumpin' subwoofer, a 360 (obviously), and a huge couch. You should have included seating in your poll. Also, Zawa, your setup looks awesome in the most ghetto way possible.
Just because a tv has hook ups for component cables doesn't mean it is HD, it can be 480p and still have component cable inputs.