I love Team objective until they took it out. That was my highest Skill. So I am still hating Bungie. But I do like SWAT
i love swat u can be alone not have to team up like mlg and you can take out an entire team in seconds.... i got 4 exterminations is swat
i actually really like team doubles, when i get paired up with someone who if fun to shoot the breeze with. you get a bit a strategy, and you feel like you are a main part of winning(cause you are) next would be swat and snipes in no order. swat cause it's possible to dominate, and snipes cause, well, i like sniping.
I personally like Doubles the most. I'm however a 45 in Lonewolfs a 45 in TS, and a 46 in Doubles. Also a 42 in Swat.
Favorite social playlist: action sack 0110010100100111010 Favorite ranked playlist: lone wolves, had a 36, then failed a lot, then got netted but no matter howucj I win, it won't go up 1001011101010101010 Favorite double xp: rocket race, I did make a group for it afterall.
my favourite playlists would have to be Team Snipers and Team SWAT. Favourite double exp: Griffball XD
All HARDCORE for me! Snipers PWN Tho Anybody shottys me I do it right bck I got my 46 in LW because I dont need a team to win XD
Team Throwback. Every game is BR starts so I always have a useful weapon. MLG is good too but there are a lot of boosters and it's tough going in without a team.
MLG is the most awesome playlist that can derived from the deepest recesses of the intellectual mind and be implemented and spread throughout the world in a digitalized format. Obvious sarcasm, but still my fav.
I like any sort of team based game in social. Ranked is annoying because you have a rank that goes up but can go down too easily. I don't need rank, ya I'm a 30, but exp is needed for high ranks and that's what I'm aiming for. I basically have no need for ranked, just social.