Why everyone saying gta4? its not that great hell second sight had an better ending (second sight is awesome tho) http://youtube.com/watch?v=4LQBAkWMTRc (its not a movie as the title implies it is in fact an video game an epic one at that)
I've noticed very little discussion of the best game ending ever. Halo 2. I mean come on, you're sitting their, all like "Yeah, gonna go to earth and pwn the covenant there," and then he says "finishing this fight" and OMG it's like credits. I think in the most serial way, that it has a major BAM factor, which just gives it an edge. And to whoever said HL2 EP2, it just pissed me off. I was sitting there, thinking: Why did you have to kill Eli first, I mean, couldn't they have just killed that ***** Alyx. All she does is make the game take longer for stupid ass reasons. And now they killed off a good character, just so you couldn't learn more about the G-man, it's bullshit.
Yeah, Halo 2 WAS epic. Epic campaign all the way through, with a great ending to go. Anyone of those people who threw down their controllers in anger at that point are retards. I didn't. EDIT: Actually, I take that back. The best ending in a game ever is: Jet Set Radio Future. Super awesome psychedelic boss battle(s) at the end, epic sound track, epic environment, everything. The entire game, let alone the ending, was AWESOME. And that montage at the end left you feeling like you had achieved something more than the completion of a game. The entire ****ing build-up to the ending, getting you pumped, was awesome too. Truly an epic game there. PS: Half Life 2 was pretty epic too, ending-wise.
I honestly like Mass Effect's ending. I only wish you could have joined Saren, even if the Reapers *were going to kill you*. Hey, at least the ending points at a sequel, which I am excited about. (highlight from * to * to reveal spoiler)
hitman was very cool, that was the last thing i expected. mine would probily be ... halo was gd, bd company was good but the best would b dead rising
The GTA IV Ending was the best. I won't go into details, but I like the ending where the lady dies at the end.
Return to Castle Wolfenstein, because you're so glad when you finally beat it... It was epically hard, even on it's 'Can I play Daddy?' difficulty.
I think Mass Effect's ending is the best, because of its emotional attachments to the characters and the world around them.
Wow. Well now that no one mentioned it, I loved every Metal Gear Solid ending although I haven't even played MGS4, but I already know that that ending is going to be epic. It's mostly because I mostly understand all the endings. That and Trauma Center the first one is amazing. I never thought that would happen.
I'd just like to lawl at the person who said 'Bioshock'. IMO, both endings are the WORST game endings EVAR.! Seriously, it was such a huuuuge let-down. I felt betrayed by the game and its makers. Getting you all hyped up, then the final boss is a complete cop-out and the ending is totally short and pointless. No weight behind it whatsoever.
So true. I was like "OMG EPIC BOSS YES!" Then he was dead.... Even on hard mode he dies too quickly. Hell Big Daddies die harder than that dude.
I'm sticking with mah vote on Mass Effect, it is just full of win! My cousin beat the game and was pumped for like an hour afterward (I was on my third playthrough ) Oh btw my cousin is 24 so he's not like a noob or anything. I would have to say Bioware knows storylines. That is quite an art they have going there, I would never vote against them. Knight of the Old Republic - Win Neverwinter Nights - Win (Yeah D & D) Jade Empire - Win And Now Mass Effect - Epic Win They are truly one of the best RPG game developers, because it isn't a JRPG, which I like. So yeah, Mass Effect had probably the best ending I have seen. Just the space battle, and everything (won't give away spoilers). Yup ~Randle $candal
=/ To you maybe, but I thought it was still pretty great. But now that I come to think of it, Condemned: Criminal Origins' last hour was ****ing insane and amazing. You basically have to tear out implanted metal that's underneath the final boss's skin, tear off his jaw, and finally tear out pieces of his spinal column to completely defeat him. Plus, the whole time you are doing such things, you are only equipped with a piece of rebar.
Ahhh. Now that I think about it, yea. The boss fight was good, but the ending was the same either way you went (which was a letdown). Also, the ending was stupid too. But like I said, the boss battle was so difficult that I literally had to retry I think over 50 times. The hardest part was trying to kill those stupid little monster's and such during the boss battle then after he jumps down he kills me. Arggh. Number two was pretty good too if you liked the first one.
I'd like to think of it as opening it up for something better in number three. Although I also didn't care for the storyline in number two either, except for the part where the guy in one was supposed to be dead, but didn't die. When I saw that he was still alive I dropped my jaw in awe and was like.... but I killed him...