The internet is wifi only. A lot of cool apps are free. Buy it. I got mine today. Best electronic ever
I have 4GB nano. But I mostly use my Sidekick lx seeing its my phone, and can hold music its a win/win.
I have a 2nd Generation 2 gig iPod Nano that went through the wash... The battery fried and now it needs to be plugged into a source of electricity at all times. Just recently I won (yes won) a Red Sony Walkman MP3 player. It's completely badass. Not as good as an iPod I have to admit, but it does what it's supposted to and have 4 gigs which isn't even half way full with my songs. Like these, but in red.
Just a tip I've learned over several iPods: Should your xbox get wet, DONT TOUCH ANY CONTROLS! DONT think 'uh oh is it fried or not?!' and try a button to see if it works. Instead, turn if off immediately, if its not already. If it is off, put on the hold switch to make sure it won't turn on. DO NOT turn it on. Blowdry it if you like, then leave it out in the sun for about a week. Seriously. It saved a couple of my ipods like that.
ahh here i found a pic it may be small but it packs a (sorry i cant embed this on at the library and it blocks image shack,photobucket etc.
Why does everyone like ipod touchs? Ive had mine for a while and the touch interface has just gotten old. I want a real button.
I dont have a problem with the interface (as long as the keyboard is in landscape mode) its just nice to have something thats actually there.
Thanks for the tip, although I think an iPod is unrelated to an Xbox =D and it's a bit too late for me. I left it alone for a day and tried to turn it on. =(
because it doesnt pwn its still fat as ever probably fatter than the creatives i got my orange nano chromatic today ands its like ooo orange gold hawt.