you do realize i was just kidding, yes like he said, it takes maybe 11-13 (depends if you rush) weeks anyways really 3rd string, I don't mean to offend but I already know how to play: smoke on the water and 7 nation army and its been like what 6 weeks, either I'm rushing myself or I have a good teacher.
Bass & Drums are really expensive IMO. If you pick up guitar, it's fairly easy to self tutor, and most of the people here on the forums will help you out. Also, If you know guitar fairly well, then you can figure out how to transfer songs from guitar to piano / keyboard. I do it quite often and playing around with pre-recorded run - throughs and adding in a piano sound usually makes me sound feck'ing pro. I advise guitar. Everyone here probably agrees, and we'll even help you learn. Smoke on the water is nothing. It sounds good, but it's 4 powerchords, and 2 pick throughs of 2 other powerchords. You don't even have to move your finger positioning, just move your hand around. Not sure about 7 nation army.. But Smoke on the water I learnt in 5 minutes. I played that so much, my parents got irritated enough from it to get me guitar lessons to learn other songs. Not showing you up, but the 5th song I ever learnt was 'come clarity'.
ITS CUZ GIRLS CAN'T PLAY GUITAR EVERYONE KNOWS THAT noncaps and anyway just be a multi instrumentalist and go touring with arcade fire or some ****