You killed a guy with recon, or you got recon? I once killed a recon wearer, even though he was on my team. He didn't get the boot option either, so I teabagged him too >
I finally posted my best map yet lol, and got meh a girlfriend the other day Here check it out pl0x, Interphase
I went on a live webcam with a chick and kept asking if she liked waffles. Annoying her was the goal.
Secured my place in sixth form college, doing ICT, Maths, Business, Electronics and Drama a levels (actually, the last two are A/S..) Awesome.
Wow, Camel, you're option choices are nealry the same as to what mine are going to be when I get to Sixth Form. I like you for that now =D Well today I had an awesome party at my house - also gaining £45 in the process.
today i watched the 2/25 episode of Lost, slept did my math hw in 10 mins and finished a history project and had baseball practice.
I finished the structure and weapon placements of my map, that I am hopefully going to soon post on here. And I finished my English II homework that was 23 pages long. (It merited me some pride).