What happened to sportsmanship in Dark Souls?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Xun, Apr 17, 2012.

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  1. Xun

    Xun The Joker

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    I've been PvPing in Dark Souls the last week or so, and I've noticed a disappointing trend. Usually when one enters anothers world to PvP, there is a traditional bow before the proceedings get underway. On more than five separate occasions, I was backstabbed whilst bowing, because the other was either a) in too much of a hurry to return the courtesy, or b) just a cheap asshole looking for an easy kill.

    Now, I know it's just a game, but there's such a thing as being civil. The **** thing is though, when I don't bother bowing because I've had enough of the last five people killing me while I'm stuck in an animation, people get pissy and send me angry messages. What the **** is that? And if I don't bow, and the person kills me, they feel the need to perform an unsporting gesture, such as Point Down or Well, What Is It? and then send me a boastful message along the lines of "lol, pwned fool."

    I've just about had enough with people like this populating my favourite online games. But then again, what's new?

    Has anything like this happened to anyone else, and is it as aggravating to you as it is to me?
  2. Transhuman Plus

    Transhuman Plus Ancient
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  3. Neoshadow

    Neoshadow Forerunner
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    Yeah Shuman, you're pretentious, we get it.

    The best thing about Demons Souls and Dark Souls was the fact that the PvP had some sense of honour, in SOME battles. But the problems you're describing have always been there, and are just more common now due to BB glitching.

    The PvP is pretty bull now, however there are plenty of websites that have designated PvP zones where they play, and Kiln is the popular "Honourable PvP" arena of the game these days.

    My advice would be, if you want to PvP and the dude you're playing against not to be a douche, go to Kiln.
  4. Xun

    Xun The Joker

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    Yeh I've been pvping in the Kiln a fair bit, but I kept getting the same guys constantly, and it got a bit boring, so I went to Darkroot. Bad mistake. I'm not surprised this has been around for a while; griefers aren't anything new in games. It just annoyed me to the point of ranting at 1.30 in the morning. ;p

    Well, I don't know what I've done to make you "not are for me personally", but I didn't ask whether you like me or if you find my story interesting, Shuman, I asked if this had happened to anyone else recently. Your comment is basically spam. Thanks for the input!
  5. Neoshadow

    Neoshadow Forerunner
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    Oh god, Darkroot...
    That place was ALWAYS filled with dicks grinding souls. Absolutely nothing has changed there, dude.

    Invading Dark Anor Londo is also cool, but I you've gotta be a member of a specific covenant for that.
  6. Xun

    Xun The Joker

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    I've been summoned by people in the Darkmoon Covenant to help them with invaders many times, but they're usually Spanish or something so I have a hard time understanding them when they send me a voice msg in Spanish ;). They've been pretty cool though, haven't had much trouble there, its usually just Darkroot, like you said.

    I've pvped some pretty cool people outside Darkroot though, so it must be a condition of entry to be a ****.
  7. CHUCK

    CHUCK Why so serious?
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    lol not only was the article shuman posted EXTREMELY relevant, but its also very enlightening to the fact that this same lack of bowing sportsmanship has been around in gaming since the dawn of multiplayer.

    ignorance doesnt prevail over pretentiousness. although, whenever being sarcastic turned into being pretentious is beyond me.
  8. Xun

    Xun The Joker

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    The article he posted was the only thing saving Shumans' post from being spam. While it may have been around since the dawn of multiplayer, it's still disappointing to see it in a game I enjoy. Trolls gonna troll.
  9. CHUCK

    CHUCK Why so serious?
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    hey im just saying, even though a guy's a sarcastic asshole, he could have interesting things to say. i'm against the dismissal of good reads, which that article is.
    #9 CHUCK, Apr 17, 2012
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2012
  10. SargeantSarcasm

    SargeantSarcasm In Loving Memory
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    Xun, you realize this is basically "***** about [X] game" right? I mean, even if it were a general complaint thread about whatever games we wanted to talk about, it'd still be "***** about [X] game."

    Shuman's being a **** about it but I thought the same exact thing when I read the OP. You're being irrational and childish about an unsaid honor rule in a game, especially when apathy would go a LONG way toward rectifying the situation.

    Seriously, this thread should not exist. Go to the Dark Souls thread to complain if you're so inclined.
  11. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    This is true. Complaints can be done in the game's thread.
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