Well i finally got live back to my account and will be playing halo. I still go on here but every map is like on sandbox. There used to be so many fun minigames on Foundry.What happened?
well obviously its better. but now its like flooding all over the minigames section. Does anybody make maps on Foundry anymore
Ive seen a couple. But hardly. Most of my friends dont have sandbox thats why. lol. So im re downloading most of my maps.
I have made a map recently on foundry. I find sandbox to boring and dull, although it is much easier to make anything on that map.
Yeah.. I find Foundry boring now and too old. Foundry's flaws were fixed in sandbox. Like limited space, limited budget, limited items. Granted it was harder to hit "could not spawn object, too many on map" but Sandbox trumps foundry on everything else. Tell your friends to get sandbox
We has oposite opinions steve... There are way too many sandbox maps made. It gets to the point where when another one is submitted I just go "another sandbox map...lame" and ignore it (not all the time though).
thankyou crypto. sandbox is getting sort of old. You should add me if you still play on Foundry and Halo. GT-x MuG x Sh07 x Im probably going to play Fallout 3 though for a while
I actually prefer foundry, but sandbox has way more resources. Foundry just looks so clean to me and that's why I like it
the thing that foundry has that is unique is a nice mix of movable and immovable objects, its still the map of choice for switches and things along those lines. foundry can also look really clean without the need of ghostmerging, which is a plus, but in almost every other way its outclassed by sandbox
true true. but its also kind of confusing to forge on sandbox. and the objects on foundry make sandbox objects look horrible
Foundry is my favourite forging map, but sandbox is my preferred. Foundry is my favourite because of the objects, they have personality and it has see through objects as well. Sandbox is just easier to forge on, that is why it is my preferred. I would like to see some more maps on foundry.
I'd say, when Foundry was the best map to Forge on, it took a bit more skill to make a great map than it does on Sandbox these days, what with all the newer techniques (ghost merging, specifically) available to people now. Of course, you can still do this on Foundry, but Sandbox is also better than Foundry in almost every aspect, just as Sandbox's Reach successor will be better than Sandbox in every way.
Although Sandbox does have more resources, I think that Foundry is the better map in this case due to the fact that it is a lot more cleaner. The items don't really change color and you can put the walls facing down. But, I mostly forge on Sandbox now because it gives the forger more creative freedom, not only because of the size of the map, but also because of the more unique items available.
Foundry maps still live up to the big and bad Sandbox maps, just look at MLG Onslaught! I can think of no other map than MLG Onslaught that separates the men from the boys in Slayer/CTF. Out of all the maps variants in Halo 3, Onslaught still astounds me. I would love to see it remade in Reach (I'll do it if I have to)! And The Pit, but that's off-topic. And earlier today I submitted CS Assault v3 to the Testing Guild using Foundry as base map. I could remake it in the Crypt...but I'm just going to wait for Reach's Forge 2.0.
Not true. While ghost merging makes forging cleaner, and allows for better aesthetics and map building, it has also drastically raised the expectations from maps. It takes just as much skill to build an average map now as it did then because an average map now is much better than an average map then. Ghost merging did not make anything easier other than aesthetics. What it really did was improve forging skill universally and increase the potential from every map creator. /ghost merging discussion
I guess it's just me, then. I've always felt a lot more comfortable in Sandbox than in Foundry, for some reason.
I like the environment on foundry better. I'd rather forge on foundry but if I have too I'll also settle for sandbox. Foundry is smaller. Lower Budget. Less pieces. No effects. Sanbox. Harder to merge pieces (some). Doesn't look as nice. Can't really block off the mid-level for anything if wanted.